The Milbank Memorial Fund works to improve population health and health equity by collaborating with leaders and decision makers and connecting them with experience and sound evidence.
Founded in 1905, the Milbank Memorial Fund advances its mission by:
- Identifying, informing, and inspiring current and future state and local health policy leaders to enhance their effectiveness as population health and health equity leaders
- Convening and supporting state health policy decision makers to advance progress in selected areas important to population health and health equity, including primary care and sustainable health care costs
- Publishing high-quality, evidence-based publications and The Milbank Quarterly, an editorially independent, peer-reviewed journal of population health and health policy
Photo: Members of the Milbank Memorial Fund staff and board and Lillie Head, president of Voices for Our Fathers Legacy Foundation. Credit: Martin Photography
All people and communities are inherently valued and can enjoy long, full, healthy lives.
Collaboration and Community
We believe effective policies and programs emerge when individuals and groups with diverse views and backgrounds work together in a fashion marked by civil discourse and integrity that promotes trust.
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
Our work and our organization are stronger when people with a range of identities, perspectives, and experiences have full and fair opportunities to inform, participate, and lead.
Humility and Optimism
We value opportunities that come from listening and continuous learning and believe positive change for all is possible.
Objectivity and Non-partisanship
We base our work on relevant peer and patient experiences and sound evidence regardless of affiliation or ideology.
Stewardship and Leadership
Improvement occurs when people gather, maintain, and use their authority, influence, and assets for the greater good.
Meet the Milbank Memorial Fund staff. LEARN MORE
Join our Team. LEARN MORE
Board of Directors
The members of the Board of Directors of the Milbank Memorial Fund have, throughout its history, been drawn from business, finance, law, medicine, the social sciences, and public life. LEARN MORE
Racial Equity Statement of Purpose
The Milbank Memorial Fund apologizes for specific activities that have reinforced and perpetuated systemic racism and outlines actions that reflect its commitment to promote racial equity. LEARN MORE
Our History
In 1905, Elizabeth Milbank Anderson, a prominent philanthropist, established one of the first general purpose foundations, the Memorial Fund Association. LEARN MORE