Cynthia Parsons

Cynthia Parsons

Director of Behavioral Health and Long-Term Care Services, West Virginia Bureau for Medical Services

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Cynthia Parsons, MA is the Director of Behavioral Health and Long-Term Care Services for the West Virginia Bureau for Medical Services (Medicaid) within the West Virginia Department of Health and Human Resources where she is responsible for the supervision of the following programs and services. Behavioral Health including but not limited to all inpatient, outpatient, acute psychiatric units in hospitals Telehealth, Psychiatric Residential Treatment Facilities, Child Residential Services, Intermediate Care Facilities for Individuals with Developmental Disabilities, Nursing homes, 1115 Substance Use Disorder Demonstration Waivers and the 1915 C Serious Emotional Disorder Waiver for Children. Cynthia has worked for the WV Department of Health and Human Resources for the past 15 years.  Cynthia previously worked as an adult and child therapist with a focus on individuals with serious emotional disorders as well as individuals with SUD. Cynthia is a double graduate of Marshall University and in her spare time volunteers for causes connected to substance use, mental health, foster care, adoption, and food accessibility.