Elisa Neira-Hamada

Elisa Neira-Hamada

Senior Director of Health Equity and Social Determinants of Health, Connecticut’s Office of Health Strategy

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Elisa Neira-Hamada serves as Senior Director of Health Equity and Social Determinants of Health at Connecticut’s Office of Health Strategy (OHS) advancing policy initiatives to reduce health disparities and improve equitable access to quality healthcare for at-risk and vulnerable communities. Neira also served as Deputy Commissioner for the New Jersey Department of Human Services leading efforts to expand food assistance, enhance childcare affordability, and strengthen access and supports for individuals with disabilities. She established New Jersey’s first Office of New Americans providing vital services to immigrants and refugees. Neira, a dedicated public service leader with over 15 years of experience improving social safety net systems, brings an innovative orientation to state health policy championing efforts to meet health-related social needs to improve health outcomes. Neira holds a B.A. from Rutgers University and a Master of Social Work from Fordham University. A native Spanish speaker from Ecuador, she resides in CT with her family.