Prescription Drugs Drove 2022 Spending in Cost Growth Target States

Focus Area:
Sustainable Health Care Costs
Peterson-Milbank Program for Sustainable Health Care Costs Spending Growth Target Performance
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An August 8, 2024, Health Affairs Forefront article by Jessica Mar and January Angeles of Bailit Health on trends in health care cost growth target states finds prescription drugs drove spending growth in Connecticut, Delaware, Massachusetts, Oregon, and Rhode Island — five of the eight states with health care cost growth target programs. Outpatient hospital spending increased in four states and was stable in Delaware.

The analysis also finds that even though health spending was moderate in 2022, all states except for Rhode Island were still over their target for spending growth.

The cost growth target programs enable states to collect and analyze spending data from all insurers in the state and highlight specific ways that rising health care costs affect consumers, employers, and state programs. The Peterson-Milbank Program for Sustainable Health Care Costs provides support for this unique cross-state analysis and to the states through technical assistance provided by Bailit Health and Burness.