Stuart Yael Gordon

Stuart Yael Gordon is director of policy and communications for the National Association of State Mental Health Program Directors (NASMHPD). Mr. Gordon previously worked in public policy and government relations for the largest Medicaid/Medicare managed care insurer, a state Chamber of Commerce, and state and national trade associations for the long-term care, safety net hospital, pharmaceutical, and pharmacy industries. He began his career as a journalist and has over the years worked as a small-town newspaper reporter, a new-products editor of workplace compliance manuals, and a broadcast news writer for the Voice of America. He also did two tours with the Maryland General Assembly staff agency, serving at various times as committee counsel, county delegation counsel, bill drafter, amendment room supervisor, committee report system supervisor, and supervisor of legislative staff review of state agency regulations. Mr. Gordon has edited and written a number of issue briefs in NASMHPD’s “Beyond Bed” series of briefs under a technical assistance contract with the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. He earned his bachelor of science degree in journalism at the University of Maryland and his law degree from the Columbus School of Law, Catholic University, in Washington, D.C.