Health Care Spending and Related Data: A Webinar 

Focus Area:
Sustainable Health Care Costs
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The US health sector is vast, with annual national health expenditures estimated at $5.0 trillion. There is no single source of publicly available and easy-to-use information on health spending for collective use by policymakers, purchasers and the public. This National Academies for Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine webinar on July 23, 2024, brought together data producers (national and state) with data users and other experts to address these issues and explore areas for improvement.


  • Rachel Block, Milbank Memorial Fund

The Producers of Data

  • Micah Hartman, Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, US Department of Health and Human Services
  • Abe Dunn, Bureau of Economic Analysis, US Department of Commerce
  • Lauren Peters, Center for Health Information and Analysis, State of Massachusetts
  • Michael Bailit, Bailit Health

Health Discussants

• Kara Odom Walker, Nemours

• Matthew Rae, Kaiser Family Foundation