Milbank Quarterly Webinar: Medicaid Prerelease and Transition Services for Incarcerated Individuals 

Medicaid Population Health

What: Several states have extended Medicaid coverage for prerelease and transition services to people in prisons and jails through program demonstrations. These services are associated with improved recidivism, post-release employment, cost savings, and fewer overdoses. A recent Milbank Quarterly article by Sanjay Basu and colleagues looked at the size of the potentially eligible population by state, and disease rates within the population, to inform Medicaid agencies’ strategies. During this webinar, the University of Chicago’s Harold Pollack will moderate a discussion with Dr. Basu and state officials from Arizona and California on the article’s findings and policy implementation strategies.

When: Thursday, March 6, 2025, 12 p.m. – 1 p.m. ET 

 Panelists include:  

  • Cameron Adams, Program Administrator, Targeted Investments Programs, Arizona Health Care Cost Containment System Administration 
  • Sanjay Basu, Co-Foudner, Waymark, author of recent Quarterly article on the population health impacts of Medicaid prerelease and transition services 
  • Autumn Boylan, Deputy Director, Office of Strategic Partnerships, California Department of Health Care Services