The Fund supports networks of state health policy decision makers to help identify, inspire, and inform policy leaders.
The Milbank Memorial Fund supports two state leadership programs for legislative and executive branch state government officials committed to improving population health.
The Fund identifies and shares policy ideas and analysis to advance state health leadership, strong primary care, and sustainable health care costs.
Keep up with news and updates from the Milbank Memorial Fund. And read the latest blogs from our thought leaders, including Fund President Christopher F. Koller.
The Fund publishes The Milbank Quarterly, as well as reports, issues briefs, and case studies on topics important to health policy leaders.
The Milbank Memorial Fund is is a foundation that works to improve population health and health equity.
Focus Area
News Article
September 2020
The Peterson Center on Healthcare and the Milbank Memorial Fund have launched an initiative to provide technical assistance to up to five states to help reduce health spending. More
June 2020 Rachel Block,
Ten years ago, Rhode Island instituted health care “affordability standards” for commercial health insurers to encourage them to improve the affordability of their health plans, as well as enhance health care quality and consumer protections. The Rhode Island Office of Health Insurance Commissioner (OHIC) recently updated these standards, continuing its primary care funding requirement and adding important new provisions designed to facilitate behavioral health integration and accelerate the adoption of payment reforms. More
June 2020 Mark Japinga, Mark McClellan,
Mark Japinga and Mark McClellan of the Duke-Margolis Center for Health Policy discuss the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services’s evaluation of the Maryland All-Payer Model and explore its implications. More
Blog Post
March 2020 Victoria Veltri,
In January, Connecticut Governor Ned Lamont issued an executive order that requires the state to develop an annual health care cost growth benchmark,… More
January 2020 Elizabeth Mitchell,
The recent settlement of the antitrust lawsuits against the Sutter Health System in California could be a watershed moment in the evolution of US health care markets and public policy, says Elizabeth Mitchell, president and CEO of the Pacific Business Group on Health in a new Milbank blog post. More
September 2019
To explore what employers and regulators can do about rapidly rising health provider prices and debate the most effective policies, “Los Angeles Times” journalist Noam N. Levey sat down with Dr. Robert Galvin, CEO of Equity Healthcare and an operating partner at Blackstone, and Robert Murray, the former executive director of the Maryland Health Services Cost Review Commission. More
July 2019
In a new JAMA “Viewpoint,” Milbank Memorial Fund President Christopher Koller and Dhruv Khullar, MD, of Weill Cornell Medicine summarize the research showing that commercial hospital prices are high relative to Medicare, and that the size of the price discrepancies is increasing. They highlight steps some states and employers are taking to address the issue. More
July 2019 Erin C. Fuse Brown,
In a new Milbank blog post, Erin C. Fuse Brown, associate professor of law at Georgia State University College of Law, reports that the research presented at the workshop gave a mixed picture of COPA’s impact on price and quality. The experiences of states highlighted the importance and difficulty of sustaining COPA supervision over the long-term. Nevertheless, COPAs may be an appropriate policy tool in some circumstances, such in rural or semi-rural areas with little competition. More
June 2019 Governor John Kitzhaber, Bruce Goldberg,
As the cost of health care continues to rise faster than state revenue, states’ Medicaid commitments undermine their ability to invest in education… More
June 2019
The Tennessee legislature recently passed a bill that could make it the first state to request a Medicaid block grant. Under a block grant, Tennessee would receive a fixed annual sum from the federal government for its Medicaid program rather than open-ended federal dollars. But John Kitzhaber, MD, former governor of Oregon, and Bruce Goldberg, MD, former director of the Office for Oregon Health Policy and Research, say that this approach does nothing to reduce the cost of care and hurts Medicaid recipients. More