Malinda Southard 

Malinda Southard 

Deputy Administrator, Nevada Division of Health Care Financing and Policy

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Dr. Malinda Southard brings practical clinical experience from her former Carson City chiropractic practice, as well as a heart for helping others, collaboration, and team building. Her state service career began in 2014. She joined the State Public Health Preparedness (PHP) Program, later promoted to Manager, where she led an amazing team and fostered collaboration with a variety of stakeholders over several years, and throughout the pandemic. She then accepted a Governor-appointment as Executive Director for the Nevada Patient Protection Commission in 2022, and most recently is honored to be a Deputy Administrator for Nevada’s Medicaid agency, overseeing the Community Supports and Engagement branch beginning in 2023. She earned her Certified Public Manager (CPM) in 2019 and holds an associate degree, with honors, from San Joaquin Delta Community College in Stockton, California; a bachelor’s degree and a Doctor of Chiropractic degree both from University of Western States in Portland, Oregon.