The Fund supports networks of state health policy decision makers to help identify, inspire, and inform policy leaders.
The Milbank Memorial Fund supports two state leadership programs for legislative and executive branch state government officials committed to improving population health.
The Fund identifies and shares policy ideas and analysis to advance state health leadership, strong primary care, and sustainable health care costs.
Keep up with news and updates from the Milbank Memorial Fund. And read the latest blogs from our thought leaders, including Fund President Christopher F. Koller.
The Fund publishes The Milbank Quarterly, as well as reports, issues briefs, and case studies on topics important to health policy leaders.
The Milbank Memorial Fund is is a foundation that works to improve population health and health equity.
Quarterly Topic
Quarterly Article
April 2023 Rashawn Ray, Paula M. Lantz, David Williams,
A public policy agenda that aims to address inequities related to the well-being of children, creation and perpetuation of residential segregation, and racial segregation can address upstream factors. More
April 2023 Alana M. W. Lebrón, Ivy R. Torres, Nolan Kline, William D. Lopez, Maria-Elena De Trinidad Young, Nicole Novak,
In this Perspective, using the United States as a case study, we review existing literature regarding societal ideologies, policy, research, and practice toward immigration and immigrants, with a focus on gains and successes to promote immigrant health, continuing problems that have implications for immigrant health, potential solutions, and implications for public health over the coming decades. More
March 2023 Shekinah A. Fashaw-Walters, Momotazur Rahman, Gilbert Gee, Vincent Mor, Maricruz Rivera-Hernandez, Ceron Ford, Kali S. Thomas,
Context: Literature suggests that public reporting of quality may have the unintended consequence of exacerbating disparities in access to… More
Quarterly Opinion
March 2023 David Rosner,
A recent set of lawsuits against the Monsanto Corporation by local and state governments to get the company to clean up the mess it made of waterways and local schools with polychlorinated hydrocarbons (PCB) pollution has led to efforts by the company to silence scientists who have served as expert witnesses for plaintiffs. More
March 2023 Charleen Hsuan, Brendan G. Carr, David Vanness, Andrew Wang, Douglas L. Leslie, Eleanor Dunham, Jeannette A. Rogowski,
Context: Emergency care includes two key components: initial stabilization and transfer to a higher level of care. Significant work has focused on… More
January 2023 Alan B. Cohen,
For 100 years, the Milbank Quarterly has been a respected presence among the leading scholarly journals in the fields of public health and health… More
January 2023 Sigall K. Bell, Fabienne Bourgeois, Joe Dong, Alex Gillespie, Long H. Ngo, Tom W. Reader, Eric J. Thomas, Catherine M. DesRoches,
Context: Policy shifts toward health information transparency provide a new opportunity for patients to contribute to diagnostic safety. We… More
December 2022 Cullen M. Lilley, Minerve Delille, Kamran M. Mirza, Megan Parilla,
Diagnostic molecular genetic testing and so-called personalized medicine are just now being integrated into the current American health care system. The way in which these tests are integrated can either exacerbate or reduce health disparities. More
December 2022 Kamaria Kaalund, Andrea Thoumi, Nrupen A. Bhavsar, Amy Labrador, Rushina Cholera,
Context: There has been unprecedented uptake of disadvantage indices such as the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Social Vulnerability Index… More
November 2022 Paula M. Lantz,
The 2022 primary and general midterm elections revealed both the power and limitations of direct democracy strategies for securing abortion and other reproductive rights at the state level. More