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March 1974 (Volume 52)
Quarterly Article
Raymond C. Lerner
Judith Bruce
Joyce R. Ochs
Sylvia Wassertheil-Smoller
Charles B. Arnold
March 2025
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A survey of abortion facilities in New York City revealed the existence of adequate resources for both early and late terminations of pregnancy. Several important weaknesses have been noted which can be related to the policies and practices of the performing institutions: less than adequate provision of postabortal contraceptive care, and counseling, primarily in private hospitals; wide variation in restrictive admission policies to minors; and substantially higher costs in private facilities. On the whole, private patients are more likely to be receiving less than adequate care than non-private patients with respect to counseling and contraception. This has implications for several long-term risks, namely: repeat and recurring abortion with the possibility of increased risk of premature delivery or spontaneous abortion, and other hazardous outcomes of pregnancy.
Author(s): Raymond C. Lerner; Judith Bruce; Joyce R. Ochs; Sylvia Wassertheil-Smoller; Charles B. Arnold
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Volume 52, Issue 1 (pages 15–38) Published in 1974