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The Milbank Memorial Fund supports two state leadership programs for legislative and executive branch state government officials committed to improving population health.
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December 1999 (Volume 77)
Quarterly Article
Christopher P. Tompkins
Sarita Bhalotra
Michael Trisolini
Stanley S. Wallack
Scott Rasgon
Hock Yeoh
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Medicare coverage begins for many when they have already developed one or more chronic diseases, and it often pays for the latest and costliest phases. Population-based disease modeling, patient screening, and monitoring would be appropriate interventions for chronic renal disease. Patients who have not yet advanced to end-stage renal disease would benefit from management of diabetes and hypertension, avoidance of nephrotoxic substances, and better preparation for dialysis. Administrative support could take the form of clinical guidelines, physician-led multidisciplinary teams, integrated delivery systems, provider and patient education, and new information technologies. Medicare reflects the long-term public perspective, and thus should further this new direction by supporting education, reimbursing for prevention efforts and allied health services, encouraging efficiency, and monitoring cost and quality outcomes.
Author(s): Christopher P. Tompkins; Sarita Bhalotra; Michael Trisolini; Stanley S. Wallack; Scott Rasgon; Hock Yeoh
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Volume 77, Issue 4 (pages 461–484) DOI: 10.1111/1468-0009.00148 Published in 1999