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March 1996 (Volume 74)
Quarterly Article
Dave Wendler
March 2025
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Ethicists argue that deception is unacceptable, whereas researchers regard it as a necessary part of (certain kinds of) research. This impasse could be resolved by establishing the specific conditions under which deception in medical and behavioral research can be tolerated. An approach based on a consideration of the “Ethical Principles of Psychologists and Code of Conduct,” one of the few writings on this topic, would satisfy the needs of both parties. It takes the form of a requirement that subjects be informed of the use of deception before enrolling in a deceptive study. This “second order consent” approach to acceptable deception represents our best chance for reconciling respect for subjects with the occasional scientific need for deceptive research.
Author(s): Dave Wendler
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Volume 74, Issue 1 (pages 87–114) Published in 1996