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The Milbank Memorial Fund supports two state leadership programs for legislative and executive branch state government officials committed to improving population health.
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March 1994 (Volume 72)
Quarterly Article
Howard H. Goldman
Joseph P. Morrissey
M. Susan Ridgely
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Community-based services for mentally ill individuals have developed in a fragmented and uncoordinated manner over the last 30 years. In response, the RWJF initiated a five-year demonstration in nine cities: the Program on Chronic Mental Illness (CMI). The project’s background is described, as are its accomplishments and limitations. One outcome of sponsorship by the RWJF and the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development was to assure the problem of CMI a place in the public policy agenda. Despite specific improvements in quality of life for individuals with CMI, however, there was no general improvement for this population. The program thus demonstrated that structural changes alone are insufficient; quality of care must be attended to as well. Despite its drawbacks, the project revealed that interventions can be implemented with positive results.
Author(s): Howard H. Goldman; Joseph P. Morrissey; M. Susan Ridgely
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Volume 72, Issue 1 (pages 37–47) Published in 1994