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September 2013 (Volume 91)
Quarterly Article
Mark R. Chassin
Jerod M. Loeb
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Context: Despite serious and widespread efforts to improve the quality of health care, many patients still suffer preventable harm every day. Hospitals find improvement difficult to sustain, and they suffer “project fatigue” because so many problems need attention. No hospitals or health systems have achieved consistent excellence throughout their institutions. High-reliability science is the study of organizations in industries like commercial aviation and nuclear power that operate under hazardous conditions while maintaining safety levels that are far better than those of health care. Adapting and applying the lessons of this science to health care offer the promise of enabling hospitals to reach levels of quality and safety that are comparable to those of the best high-reliability organizations.
Methods: We combined the Joint Commission’s knowledge of health care organizations with knowledge from the published literature and from experts in high-reliability industries and leading safety scholars outside health care. We developed a conceptual and practical framework for assessing hospitals’ readiness for and progress toward high reliability. By iterative testing with hospital leaders, we refined the framework and, for each of its fourteen components, defined stages of maturity through which we believe hospitals must pass to reach high reliability.
Findings: We discovered that the ways that high-reliability organizations generate and maintain high levels of safety cannot be directly applied to today’s hospitals. We defined a series of incremental changes that hospitals should undertake to progress toward high reliability. These changes involve the leadership’s commitment to achieving zero patient harm, a fully functional culture of safety throughout the organization, and the widespread deployment of highly effective process improvement tools.
Conclusions: Hospitals can make substantial progress toward high reliability by undertaking several specific organizational change initiatives. Further research and practical experience will be necessary to determine the validity and effectiveness of this framework for high-reliability health care.
Author(s): Mark R. Chassin and Jerod M. Loeb
Keywords: quality improvement, patient safety, safety culture, high reliability
Read on Wiley Online Library
Volume 91, Issue 3 (pages 459–490) DOI: 10.1111/1468-0009.12023 Published in 2013