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September 2004 (Volume 82)
Quarterly Article
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Gerard F. Anderson is a professor at Johns Hopkins University and is the National Program Director of Partnership for Solutions, a national program office of the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. The objective of Partnership for Solutions is to increase awareness of the problems faced by people with chronic conditions and to propose solutions.
M. Audrey Burnam is a senior behavioral scientist at the RAND Corporation. Her research interests include mental health services and policy research. Her recent work has focused on improving access to and quality of research for persons with co-occurring mental and addictive disorders, assessing equity in the delivery of mental health services relative to medical services in the era of managed care, evaluating the impact of parity policies for mental health and substance abuse benefits for federal employees, and examining the need for and use of mental health and substance abuse services among adults with HIV.
Lynda C. Burton is an associate research professor in the Department of Health Policy and Management at the Bloomberg School of Public Health at Johns Hopkins University. Her primary research interest is to discover methods to improve the quality of care for older persons, particularly those with chronic disease. She is an investigator on a home hospital project designed to provide acute, hospital-level care in the home to selected older persons, avoiding adverse consequences often associated with hospitalization. She has evaluated a capitated managed care program for dually eligible older persons. Her current interest is in improving the coordination of care for older persons through better communication among their health providers, made feasible by sharing key information on electronic health records.
Diana Drylie is a senior health policy analyst at the Washington State Department of Labor and Industries. She has been the Project Manager of the Occupational Health Services project for five years.
David P. Eisenman, M.D., is an assistant professor of medicine at the Geffen School of Medicine at the University of California, Los Angeles Division of General Internal Medicine and Health Service Research and an associate natural scientist at RAND Health. He is particularly interested in health and public health responses to violence, especially for vulnerable and underserved populations. His research includes improving public health’s terrorism preparedness for racial and ethnic minority communities, improving primary care–based mental health services for refugee and immigrant survivors of war, and developing international consensus guidelines for primary care–based mental health services for survivors of war and mass violence.
Gary M. Franklin, M.D., is a research professor in the Department of Environmental and Occupational Health Sciences and the Department of Medicine (Neurology) at the University of Washington. He is also medical director of the State of Washington Department of Labor and Industries. His major current research interests include use of administrative databases to generate epidemiologic research, conduct outcome studies for work-related musculoskeletal disorders, and predict disability and generate models of disability burden in workers’ compensation. He is co-chair of the American Academy of Neurology Quality Standards Subcommittee, which produces evidence-based treatment guidelines for all neurologists, and a member of the National Multiple Sclerosis Society’s Research Programs Advisory Committee.
Deborah Fulton-Kehoe is a research coordinator in the Occupational Epidemiology and Health Outcomes Program at the University of Washington. Her recent work has included an analysis of the relationship between self-reported patient outcomes and outcomes obtained from administrative databases, evaluations of occupational health interventions, and analysis of predictors of long-term disability from work. She assists with the development of methods for various epidemiologic and health outcomes studies conducted using administrative data. These include epidemiologic studies of carpal tunnel syndrome and hearing loss and health outcomes studies looking at the effectiveness of lumbar fusion surgery and pain center treatment. All studies are conducted with the goal of improving the care of injured workers.
Donna J. Keyser is Associate Director of Operations for the RAND–University of Pittsburgh Health Institute and a senior communications analyst at the RAND Corporation. Her areas of specialization include systems analysis, process improvement, strategic planning, and organizational management. She is currently involved in a range of health-related research at RAND and assists multidisciplinary project teams with communicating complex research findings to a wide variety of audiences.
Irvin W. Kues is currently a part-time consultant specializing in health care finance, management, and information technology. He is also the chairman of the Health Services Cost Review Commission for the State of Maryland. Formerly, he was the chairman of the Provider Reimbursement Review Board and the CFO of the Johns Hopkins Health System. His current areas of interest include the application of information technology for improving quality and costs, policies and methodologies associated with hospital reimbursement, and development of new approaches to health care reimbursement.
Maxwell J. Mehlman is the Arthur E. Petersilge Professor of Law and director of the Law-Medicine Center at Case Western Reserve University School of Law. He is also a professor of bioethics at Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine. His research interests focus on public policy issues raised by new biomedical technologies and changes in the financing and delivery of health care. He has written extensively on regulating genetic technologies, controlling the use of performance-enhancing drugs in sports, rationing access to new technologies, reducing conflicts of interest between physicians and patients, and reforming the medical malpractice system.
Robert D. Mootz is Associate Medical Director for the Chiropractic at the State of Washington Department of Labor and Industries. He holds a health services policy and research position with the State of Washington’s workers’ compensation system. His current research is investigating ways to enhance delivery of occupational health care and disability prevention. Policy development interests include quality improvement initiatives to implement occupational health best practices among providers to facilitate effective and safe return-to-work. He is involved in development of evidence-based occupational health care and chiropractic practice guidelines. He serves on the editorial boards of several clinical research journals, is a co-editor and author of several texts on chiropractic, and co-edited the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Agency for Health Care Policy and Research monograph Chiropractic in the United States: Training, Practice, and Research, as well as a Washington State report, Issues in Coverage for Complementary and Alternative Medicine Services.
Jan Ostermann is a research associate at the Center for Health Policy, Law and Management at Duke University. His recent work has included analyses of the economic and health effects of health behaviors, such as alcohol consumption and smoking, as well as obesity. He has also been involved in analyses of precursors, correlates, and consequences of HIV infection in the United States and abroad. Other areas of interest include health disparities and health inequalities, specifically access to health insurance and medical care.
Harold A. Pincus, M.D., is a senior scientist at RAND and directs the RAND–University of Pittsburgh Health Institute. He is also a professor and Executive Vice Chairman of the Department of Psychiatry at the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine. He directs the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation’s National Program on Depression in Primary Care: Linking Clinical and Systems Strategies. He has had a particular research interest in the practice of evidence-based medicine and the relationships among mental health, substance abuse, and general medical care, developing and empirically testing models of those relationships. He was Vice-Chair of the Task Force on DSM IV and serves on the Board of Directors of the SPRY Foundation, the Behavioral Measurement Advisory Panel of the National Committee for Quality Assurance, and the Institute of Medicine Committee for Crossing the Quality Chasm in Behavioral Health. He received the William C. Menninger Memorial Award of the American College of Physicians for distinguished contributions to the science of mental health, the Health Services Research Senior Scholar Award of the American Psychiatric Association, and Columbia University’s Emily Mumford Award. He has spent one evening a week for 22 years at a public mental health clinic caring for patients with severe mental illnesses and teaches in the Western Psychiatric Institute and Clinic emergency room.
Roy Plaeger-Brockway is a Program Manager in Health Services Analysis in the State of Washington Department of Labor and Industries. His research and programmatic interests include quality improvement, disability prevention, and health outcomes. He has managed several large-scale program and system interventions at the Department of Labor and Industries to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of workers’ compensation health care delivery.
Frank A. Sloan is the J. Alexander McMahon Professor of Health Policy and Management and professor of economics and Director of the Center for Health Policy, Law and Management at Duke University. His research interests span issues related to health care delivery and financing, as well as health behavior. He is currently working on a book on the three crises that have occurred in medical malpractice practice since 1970. During the past year, he has studied excess medical malpractice insurance markets and has recently completed two papers on the effects of managed care patient care protection laws on utilization and satisfaction with care. He is studying how a diagnosis of dementia affects care patterns for selected chronic diseases. He is continuing his research on why mature smokers do not quit smoking. He has recently completed several studies of the epidemiology of major eye diseases in the elderly, why the elderly receive much less vision and diabetes care than is recommended, and the effect of adherence to guidelines on vision, and for diabetes, on complications of diabetes. He has recently completed several studies on determinants of heavy alcohol use and its effects, one of which is the article in this issue. He recently chaired a committee on vaccine financing at the Institute of Medicine, which resulted in a final report and a paper.
Terri Smith-Weller is an occupational health nurse and research coordinator for the Department of Environmental and Occupational Health Sciences at the University of Washington.
Bradley D. Stein is Associate Director for Mental and Behavioral Health in the RAND Center for Domestic and International Health Security, an assistant professor of child psychiatry at the University of Southern California, and a member of the National Child Traumatic Stress Network’s Terrorism and Disaster Branch. His major research interests include the emotional and behavioral effect of terrorism and other traumatic events and quality improvement efforts for children’s mental health care delivered in schools and other community settings.
Terri L. Tanielian is a senior social research analyst at the RAND Corporation in Arlington, Virginia. She serves as Associate Director for Mental and Behavioral Health in the RAND Center for Domestic and International Health Security, as well as Co-Director of the Center for Military Health Policy Research. Her research interests include mental health services and policy research in both the civilian and military sectors, psychosocial and behavioral aspects of terrorism, and public health preparedness. Recent work includes a landmark study of health behaviors and adherence to public health recommendations following the 2001 anthrax attacks in Washington, D.C. She has published multiple articles on mental health service use and is participating in many projects and working groups related to the psychological consequences of terrorism, community resilience, and public health response strategies.
Judith A. Turner is a professor in the Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences and Department of Rehabilitation Medicine at the University of Washington School of Medicine. Her research interests relate to psychological aspects of chronic pain problems. Current projects include studies of predictors of chronic disability in workers with musculoskeletal injuries, efficacy of a brief cognitive-behavioral treatment for patients with temporomandibular disorder pain, course of symptoms among men with pelvic pain syndrome, and efficacy of a pain self-management intervention for elderly retirement community residents with chronic pain.
Thomas M. Wickizer is a professor in the Department of Health Services at the School of Public Health and Community Medicine at the University of Washington. His research interests include utilization management, evaluating cost containment programs, assessing substance abuse treatment and prevention programs, and quality improvement. Much of his current research focuses on workers’ compensation health care delivery, including evaluating the effects of a quality improvement program to reduce disability among injured workers, assessing the efficiency and effectiveness of utilization management activities, and investigating the predictors of long-term disability among injured workers.
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Volume 82, Issue 3 (pages 569–574) DOI: 10.1111/j.0887-378X.2004.00322.x Published in 2004