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December 2004 (Volume 82)
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Paul Bate is a professor of health services management at the Medical School at University College London. His research interests focus on organizational development and change within the context of National Health Service modernization and reform, with a particular interest in models for cultural and large-scale change. His chair is partly funded by University College London Hospitals, and this has provided a rich opportunity for bringing research and practice more closely together in areas such as team and organization development, service innovation and improvement, and information technology implementation.
Joel Braslow is an associate professor in the Departments of Psychiatry and History at the University of California, Los Angeles. His work focuses on the social, cultural, and scientific constitution of therapeutic practices in medicine and psychiatry. His first book,Mental Ills and Bodily Cures, examined the ways in which physicians employed somatic and biological therapies, and how these uses were shaped by social and cultural concerns. Currently, he is working on the science, practice, and culture of antipsychotic drugs since the 1950s, with research funded by a National Institute of Mental Health Career Development Award.
Naihua Duan is a professor in the Departments of Psychiatry and Biostatistics at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA). He has worked in health services research for 25 years, first at RAND, and then at UCLA starting in 2000. His research interests in statistics include study design, transformation models, nonparametric and semiparametric regression, model robustness, causal inference, and multilevel models. His pursuits within health services research include quality improvement in mental health service delivery, HIV prevention, consumer research for HIV vaccine development, and community-based health education and promotion. He is affiliated with UCLA Neuropsychiatric Institute’s Center for Community Health and Health Services Research Center, and UCLA AIDS Institute.
Trisha Greenhalgh is a professor of primary health care in the Department of Primary Care and Population Sciences at University College London (UCL). She has a first degree in Social and Political Sciences from Cambridge and a second degree in Medicine from Oxford. She works as a part-time general practitioner in north London and leads research programs at UCL in evidence-based practice, quality improvement, and professional development in the health professions. She is particularly interested in research involving mixed designs and in the systematic review of complex evidence. She is active in health policy development and evaluation at both the local and national levels in the United Kingdom, and is a member of the National Institute for Clinical Excellence.
Bea Herbeck Belnap is a research associate at the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine. Her research interests focus on collaborative care interventions for treating depression and anxiety disorders in nonpsychiatric settings. Before joining the University of Pittsburgh, she taught and conducted research in medical psychology for 14 years in Germany.
Amy M. Kilbourne is an assistant professor of medicine and psychiatry at the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine. She is also a core faculty member within the VA Pittsburgh Center for Health Equity Research and Promotion, a VA Health Services Research and Development Program Center of Excellence focused on understanding and reducing health disparities. Her research goal is to improve the quality of care and outcomes for individuals with mental disorders. Combining her expertise in clinical epidemiology (e.g., quality measurement) and health care organization and financing, she has developed a research program focusing on the implementation of sustainable quality improvement strategies for mood disorders. She has also worked closely with decision makers at community-based primary and specialty mental health care organizations on initiatives to improve coordination of medical and psychiatric services.
Dorie Klein is a senior research scientist at the Public Health Institute in Oakland, California. She is a criminologist and behavioral health policy researcher with particular interests in alcohol and drug policy and women’s experiences with criminal justice. In addition to the Proposition 36 implementation study reported on here, recent work includes directing a policy assessment and evaluating how publicly funded substance abuse treatment for adolescents is developing in California. Another recent project is a qualitative and quantitative exploration of American Indian women’s experiences with violence and related drinking, and possible prevention strategies. She has long been involved in building theoretical and applied feminist criminology at the local, national, and international levels.
Richard L. Kravitz is a professor of internal medicine and Director of the Center for Health Services Research in Primary Care at the University of California, Davis. He is a general internist and health services researcher interested in patient-centered care and the contributions that patients, physicians, and systems can make to quality of care. He is currently Principal Investigator of a study funded by the National Institute of Mental Health that examines the effect of patients’ requests for advertised drugs on physicians’ prescribing decisions.
Olivia Kyriakidou is a senior lecturer in organizational behavior in the Department of Business Administration at the University of the Aegean, in Greece. Her research focuses on her lifelong interest in the development of a relational perspective in organization studies and especially in the study of organizational change, innovation, and knowledge sharing. Most recently she has been involved in a government-funded project for the facilitation and evaluation of a number of new clinical and administrative initiatives in health care in Greece.
J. Paul Leigh is a professor of health economics at the Center for Health Services Research in Primary Care and the Department of Public Health Sciences at the University of California Medical School, Davis. He has been writing in the field of occupational safety and heath, including workers’ compensation, since 1981. A recent book estimated national costs of job-related injuries and illnesses to be roughly $155 billion, on a par with the costs of cancer. A recent article estimated that the government undercounts nonfatal occupational injuries by 30 to 60 percent. He has also written papers on instrumental variables and tobit regression, attempting to popularize econometrics for physicians and epidemiologists.
Fraser Macfarlane is a lecturer in health care management at the School of Management at the University of Surrey, in the United Kingdom. He is also program leader for the M.Sc. in Health Care Management. His research interests include organizational development in primary care and the role of accreditation schemes in developing quality. He has worked with the British Royal College of General Practitioners to develop and evaluate their Accredited Professional Development program and their Quality Team Development project. He has also received funding from the United Kingdom Department of Health to evaluate the new research management and governance arrangements in primary care.
Robin E. Miller is engaged in policy and program analysis and education, concentrating on the experiences and needs of vulnerable populations. At the Public Health Institute, she researched the impact of welfare reform and Supplemental Security Income changes on beneficiaries’ lives and social services, as well as implementation of Proposition 36. She concluded a seven-year term on the City of Berkeley Homeless Commission in fall 2004. She currently works with the local public school and district on special education services delivery, and strategies to narrow the achievement gap between children of different racial and socioeconomic backgrounds, and between girls and boys.
Amanda Noble is a research associate in the Department of Sociology at the University of California, Davis. She is a sociologist interested in the intersection between law and medicine. She has worked on several research projects having to do with substance abuse and gender, particularly substance abuse during pregnancy. In addition to her research on the implementation of Proposition 36 in California, her other recent research interests are in the criminal justice response to domestic violence and sexual assault.
Harold Alan Pincus is a professor and Executive Vice Chairman of the Department of Psychiatry at the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine. He is also Senior Scientist at RAND and directs the RAND–University of Pittsburgh Health Institute. He directs the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation’s National Program on Depression in Primary Care: Linking Clinical and Systems Strategies. He has had a particular research interest in the practice of evidence-based medicine and the relationships among mental health, substance abuse, and general medical care, developing and empirically testing models of those relationships. He was Vice-Chair of the Task Force on DSM IV and serves on the Board of Directors of the SPRY Foundation, the Behavioral Measurement Advisory Panel of the National Committee for Quality Assurance, and the Institute of Medicine Committee for Crossing the Quality Chasm in Behavioral Health. He received the William C. Menninger Memorial Award of the American College of Physicians for distinguished contributions to the science of mental health, the Health Services Research Senior Scholar Award of the American Psychiatric Association, and Columbia University’s Emily Mumford Award. He has spent one evening a week for 22 years at a public mental health clinic caring for patients with severe mental illnesses and teaches in the Western Psychiatric Institute and Clinic emergency room.
Edward Post is an assistant professor of medicine and psychiatry at the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine and a core faculty member in the Center for Research on Health Care. He is a practicing general internist and health services researcher whose scientific work centers on mental health economics research, with a particular interest in the effect of incentive structures on utilization and quality of care. Current research includes investigation of these issues in trials to improve depression treatment in community-based settings, as well as evaluations of patient and provider incentives in depression care.
John A. Robbins is a professor of medicine at the University of California, Davis. Most of his recent work is with large epidemiologic studies. He has published on the costs of medical care for different types of patients and in different settings. Much of his recent work relates to osteoporosis.
Glenn Robert is a senior research fellow at the Centre for Health Informatics and Multiprofessional Education at University College London. His research interests center on quality and service improvement in health care, with a focus on the policy implementation process at the local level and securing sustained change within health care organizations. Most recently he has been conducting qualitative research into one of the principal methodologies for bringing about improvements in the quality of health care in England and Wales. Prior to this he was a research fellow at the Health Services Management Centre at the University of Birmingham.
Bruce L. Rollman is an associate professor of medicine and psychiatry at the Center for Research on Health Care at the University of Pittsburgh. He is involved with the planning and implementation of research studies to enhance clinicians’ adherence with practice guidelines for mood and anxiety disorders, and to understand the impact of mental health disorders in nonpsychiatric settings. He has been the principal investigator of four R01 studies since joining the university in 1995, following his fellowship in General Internal Medicine and Health Services Research at Johns Hopkins. They include (1) an Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality–funded clinical trial to disseminate their Depression Panel’s guideline to primary care physicians via an ambulatory electronic medical record system; (2) two National Institute of Mental Health–funded projects to improve the quality of care for anxiety disorders in primary care involving a telephone-based information-self-management program; and (3) a National Heart, Blood, and Lung Institute–funded study to examine the effectiveness of a collaborative care model for treating depression on health-related quality of life, cardiovascular morbidity, health services utilization, and health care costs following coronary artery bypass graft surgery. He is also leading a team of health services researchers at the University of Pittsburgh to develop a sustainable state-of-the-art contemporary clinical model for treating depression as part of a $12 million Robert Wood Johnson Foundation National Program to improve depression treatment in primary care. He has extensive experience with state-of-the-art techniques for dissemination of practice guidelines and on the conduct of mental health services research in nonpsychiatric settings.
Herbert C. Schulberg is a professor of psychology and psychiatry at Weill Medical College of Cornell University in White Plains, New York, and professor emeritus of psychiatry at the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine. For the past two decades, his clinical, research, and teaching activities have focused on the diagnosis and treatment of depressive disorders presenting in primary care settings. His research has been supported by the National Institute of Mental Health and has demonstrated that evidence-based pharmacologic and psychotherapeutic treatments are effective in primary care as well as in psychiatric practices. Most recently, he has directed the evaluation of randomized controlled trials establishing the effectiveness of care management as a significant adjunct to the physician’s services in reducing depressive symptoms experienced by primary care patients. Dr. Schulberg has served on such major committees as the Agency for Health Care Policy and Research Depression Guideline Panel and has consulted on numerous depression initiatives supported by foundations and the federal government. He has written and edited 200 publications dealing with the design, delivery, and evaluation of mental health services, more than 60 of which pertain specifically to the management of depressive disorders presented by primary care patients.
Richard Speiglman is the Managing Partner of Speiglman Norris Associates in Oakland, California. He is a sociologist, criminologist, and health services researcher. His work on the project reported here was undertaken while Speiglman was a research program director at the Public Health Institute in Oakland. He has directed longitudinal panel studies of recipients of Supplemental Security Insurance and Temporary Assistance for Needy Families, as well as studies of supported housing and shallow rent subsidy programs, homelessness, public drunkenness policy, sentencing of recidivist drunk drivers, and, in addition to the study reported here, Proposition 36 client outcomes in Santa Clara County, California. He is about to join a project at the University of California, Berkeley, examining characteristics of the California child care and preschool workforce.
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Volume 82, Issue 4 (pages 759–767) DOI: 10.1111/j.0887-378X.2004.00330.x Published in 2004