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September 2003 (Volume 81)
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Pauline Allen is a lecturer in organizational research at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine and a member of the National Coordinating Centre for NHS Service Delivery & Organisation Research & Development Programme. She also is qualified as a solicitor, although she no longer practices. Her research, which uses economic and legal approaches, has been on contracts, looking at both formal and informal relationships; regulation; and professional and legal accountability.
Jeffrey B. Bingenheimer is a doctoral candidate in the Department of Health Behavior and Health Education at the University of Michigan School of Public Health. His dissertation is on black and white Americans’ behavioral adaptations to AIDS in the 1980s. Bingenheimer also is working on the Project on Human Development in Chicago Neighborhoods and is affiliated with the Quantitative Methodology Program at the Institute for Social Research at the University of Michigan.
John Bound is professor in the Department of Economics and director of the Population Studies Center at the University of Michigan. He also is a faculty associate at the National Bureau of Economic Research. His research has focused on the effect of health on the labor force behavior of older working-age men and women. Bound recently cowrote a chapter in the Handbook of Labor Economics on the labor market effects of the Social Security Administration’s programs targeted at the disabled. He is currently devoting much of his research time to work, funded by the National Institute on Aging, that uses Health and Retirement Study data to examine the effect of health and changes in health on the behavior of men and women as they near traditional retirement age.
Alice Burton is the director of planning administration in the Mary-land Department of Health and Mental Hygiene. Her interests include managed care, public health care programs, and the uninsured. She is currently working on Medicaid program evaluations and analyses of health coverage expansions.
Debbie I. Chang is the director of strategic development and policy at the National Academy for State Health Policy. She leads the development of health policy work regarding Medicaid, the State Children’s Health Insurance Program, managed care, and drug coverage and costs. Before joining the academy this year, Chang was deputy secretary for health care financing at the Maryland Department of Health and Mental Hygiene.
C. Christine Fair is an associate political scientist with the RAND Corporation. Her research is on political military affairs, asymmetric war-fare and terrorism, and developments in political Islam in South Asia. She has worked on projects on child abuse, prenatal substance abuse, and sex selection and in vitro fertilization technologies. Fair is especially interested in the international dimensions of assisted reproductive technologies.
Naomi Fulop is senior lecturer in the Department of Public Health and Policy at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine. She also is the director of the center that runs the NHS Research and Development Programme on Service Delivery and Organisation, which produces and promotes the evidence base for the organization and delivery of health services. Her research interests are in the area of organizational and management research, including the impact of vertical and horizontal integration of health care organizations; partnerships among organizations; and the concepts of organizational failure and turnaround in health care. Fulop also is interested in the methodological challenges for research in this area and in the relationship between research and policy/practice.
Diane Gagnon is a senior program officer with Canadian Health Services Research Foundation in Ottawa, Canada, where she is responsible for the management, planning, and execution of partnership, priority-setting, and consultation activities to support the foundation’s research and knowledge-transfer undertakings.
Chris Ham is professor of health policy and management in the Health Services Management Centre at the University of Birmingham, England. In 2000 he began a secondment to the Department of Health in London, where he is currently director of the Strategy Unit. He is a founding fellow of the Academy of Medical Sciences and a fellow of the Royal Society of Medicine. His work has focused on the history and development of the National Health Service, comparative health care reform, health policy formulation, and health care priority setting.
Robert E. Hurley is associate professor in the Department of Health Administration at Virginia Commonwealth University. His interests include managed care and public-sector health care programs. He is conducting research on Medicaid managed care plans, Medicare supplemental coverage, and health system change.
Peter D. Jacobson is associate professor in the School of Public Health at the University of Michigan. His current research interests are in the relationship between law and health care, law and public health, and public health policy. He received an investigator award in health policy research from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation to examine the role of the courts in shaping health care policy. His most recent book is Strangers in the Night: Law and Medicine in the Managed Care Era, and he was the lead author of Combating Teen Smoking: Research and Policy Strategies. Currently, he is the principal investigator in a study of survival strategies for health care safety net providers.
Ruth Kipping is the development manager at the NHS Modernisation Agency and visiting research fellow in the Health Services Management Centre at the University of Birmingham, England. Her interests are in evaluating the impact of changes to improve patients’ access to care, including the use of priority-scoring tools, booking systems, and services at the interface of primary and secondary care.
Jonathan Lomas is the executive director of the Ottawa-based Canadian Health Services Research Foundation, a research-funding and knowledge-brokering organization with an endowment from the Canadian federal government. Before his five years with the foundation, he was at McMaster University in Hamilton, Ontario, where he co-founded the Centre for Health Economics and Policy Analysis. Throughout his career he has researched and championed the use of health services research by nonresearchers delivering, managing, or making policy for health services.
Hugh McLeod is a research fellow in the Health Services Management Centre at the University of Birmingham, England. His research interests are the assessment of outcomes of health policy pilot programs. McLeod’s recent work includes evaluations of the impact of “breakthrough” collaboratives in the United Kingdom.
John O’Brien is the director of Health Policy Studies in the Center for Health Program Development and Management at the University of Maryland, Baltimore County. His research interests include Medicaid, managed care, and the delivery of services to vulnerable populations. O’Brien’s most recent work was devising a performance measurement for Medicaid managed care and techniques to evaluate specialty networks in managed care.
Michael Schoenbaum is an economist at the RAND Corporation. He is working on the economics of improving care for chronic and disabling conditions, as well as individual persons’ responses to the onset of poor health. Timothy Waidmann is a senior research associate at the Urban Institute. He is interested in the economics and demography of disability; the ethnic and socioeconomic patterns of chronic and disabling conditions and their effects on work behavior; residential choices; and economic well-being.
Gail L. Zellman is senior research psychologist with the RAND Corporation and, for many years, has worked on child and youth policy. Her research interests include child care, child maltreatment, prenatal substance exposure, and parents’ involvement in their children’s schools. She also has investigated the effects of institutional structures and policies-particularly those of schools and child care providers-on meeting the needs of children and enhancing parents’ abilities to help their children.
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Volume 81, Issue 3 (pages 499–502) DOI: 10.1111/1468-0009.t01-1-00cont Published in 2003