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March 2000 (Volume 78)
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Jeanne T. Black is an Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality doctoral fellow in the Department of Health Services and a research associate at the Center for Health Policy Research, University of California-Los Angeles. Among her interests are employer-sponsored health insurance and health care purchasing coalitions. She is currently working on the California Health Interview Survey, which collects small-area and ethnic group-specific data from 55,000 California households.
Jon Christianson holds the James A. Hamilton Chair in Health Policy and Management at the Curtis L. Carlson School of Management, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis. He conducts research on managed care organizations and medical service delivery.
Dolores G. Clement is a professor of health administration and the associate dean of the School of Allied Health Professions at Virginia Commonwealth University in Richmond. In addition to instructing graduate students in health care organization and services, she conducts research in health policy, patterns of diffusion, growth and survival of HMOs, Medicare risk contracting, and community health.
John H. Evans III is a professor at the Katz Graduate School of Business, University of Pittsburgh. His research addresses accounting and financial issues from an economic perspective. He is particularly interested in the role of incentives, information, and governance in health care organizations.
Roger Feldman is the Blue Cross Professor of Health Insurance at the School of Public Health, University of Minnesota. He does research on employer-based health insurance and Medicare reform. Currently, he is advising the Health Care Financing Administration on a demonstration of competitive pricing for Medicare + Choices plans.
Howard Goldman is a professor of psychiatry at the University of Maryland School of Medicine in Baltimore. Dr. Goldman recently completed a term as the senior scientific editor for the Surgeon General’s Report on Mental Health. He is continuing his research on the organization and financing of mental health services.
Mark A. Hall is a professor in the Department of Public Health Sciences, Wake Forest University School of Medicine in Winston-Salem, North Carolina. He specializes in health care law and public policy, particularly economic and regulatory matters. Mr. Hall’s article in this issue is one of a series from his study of health insurance regulation. He is also directing a study of patient trust and managed care.
Judith R. Lave is a professor of health economics, psychiatry, and business administration at the Graduate School of Public Health, University of Pittsburgh. Her main areas of interest are health care financing, costs of graduate medical education, health care for children, the economics of mental health.
Peter C. Olden is an associate professor and director of the Graduate Health Administration Program at the University of Scranton in Scranton, Pennsylvania. He has studied local hospital systems and health care markets. Most recently, he has been examining hospital efforts to create health.
Pamela B. Peele is an assistant professor of health economics and psychiatry at the Graduate School of Public Health, University of Pittsburgh. In her research she examines work and health insurance, particularly Workers’ Compensation, mental health carveouts, and group health insurance.
Mohankumar Purushothaman is manager of pharmaceutical pricing and contracting at Roche Laboratories, Inc., in Nutley, New Jersey. He is interested in issues of pharmaceutical pricing and its relation to innovation, distribution, and access, particularly the impact of price regulation on those areas.
David S. Salkever is a professor of health economics at the Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore. His research encompasses the economics of services for persons with severe mental illness, disability studies, and disability management. Currently, he is examining the links between private long-term-disability benefits and publicly funded Social Security disability benefits.
Jennifer Schultz is a doctoral candidate in the Division of Health Services Research and Policy, School of Public Health, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis. She has studied health care delivery systems and the provision of health insurance. Currently, she is evaluating the choice of health care provider systems by employees enrolled in the Buyers Health Care Action Group’s Choice Plus program.
Judith Shinogle is a National Institute of Mental Health predoctoral fellow in mental health economics in the Department of Health Policy and Management, the Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore. Her primary research interests are firms’ provision of mental health benefits and issues of mental health disability.
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Volume 78, Issue 1 (pages 147–149) DOI: 10.1111/1468-0009.00164 Published in 2000