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September 2016 (Volume 94)
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Rachel Barry, MA, is a political science researcher at the University of California, San Francisco’s Center for Tobacco Control Research and Education. She examines the role of corporate lobbying and campaign contributions on the policy process at the local, state, and international level. Her current research interests include tobacco and marijuana politics, social movements, interest groups, corporate action, and regulatory outcomes.
Antonia (Oona) Bernhardt, MPP, is an associate at Avalere Health, where she specializes in quality measurement and business strategy as they relate to elder care and long-term care. She completed the research for this paper as a National Academy of Social Insurance intern with the Altarum Institute’s Center for Elder Care and Advanced Illness. Bernhardt earned her BA in public health studies from the Johns Hopkins University and her MPP from the University of Chicago Harris School of Public Policy.
Salma Bibi, MPH, is the project director for the UC Berkeley Center for Healthcare Organizational and Innovation Research (CHOIR) and manages research on the adoption and use of patient engagement innovations, and the CMS State Innovation Model Initiative’s impact on diabetes prevention and management. She has more than 7 years of experience in health services research, including project planning and management, data collection, and analysis using qualitative and quantitative analytical techniques. She holds an MPH with an emphasis in epidemiology and international health from the Boston University School of Public Health.
Gregory Berger, MPP, is currently the director of Medicare policy at America’s Health Insurance Plans. He was previously a senior associate with Dobson DaVanzo & Associates, LLC, where he consulted on a broad range of health care finance and payment issues for private-sector, nonprofit, and government clients for more than 6 years. Berger graduated from the University of Pennsylvania in 2006 and earned his MPP in 2013 from the Georgetown University McCourt School of Public Policy.
Elizabeth Cox was a research specialist at the University of California, San Francisco Center for Tobacco Control Research and Education at the time of this study, where she focused on U.S. state and local tobacco control policymaking. She also published in 2014 Tobacco Control in California, 2007–2014: A Resurgent Tobacco Industry While Inflation Erodes the California Tobacco Control Program with Rachel Barry, Richard Barnes, and Stanton Glantz.
Joan E. DaVanzo, PhD, MSW, is chief executive officer of Dobson DaVanzo & Associates, LLC. Before cofounding the firm, she served as vice president at Lewin Group for a decade. Her research interests include Medicare payment policy and service delivery to underserved populations. DaVanzo has expertise in both qualitative and quantitative analyses and brings a clinical perspective to her consulting work. She has developed cost estimates using Congressional Budget Office scoring methodology for a variety of health services, including care coordination for children with medically complex conditions, and dual energy x-ray absorptiometry, among others. DaVanzo has led numerous projects for the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) and is currently leading a CMS Evaluation of the Medicare IVIG Access Demonstration.
Al Dobson, PhD, is a health care economist and cofounder and president of Dobson DaVanzo & Associates, LLC, a health care economics firm. Dobson has extensive experience with data analytics and the economics of post-acute care, value-based purchasing, and alternative payment models. He was involved with the development, implementation, and early evaluation of theMedicare Inpatient Prospective Payment System and has followed Medicare payment systems for the last 30 years. Most recently, Dobson has been involved with the development of bundled payment provider reporting systems and analyses of claims data to assess population health and provider behavior in the evolving health care marketplace. Dobson is well published in the field of health care finance and economics.
Stanton A. Glantz, PhD, is professor of medicine and director of the University of California, San Francisco Center for Tobacco Control Research and Education. He studies a wide range of tobacco control issues, from the biology of secondhand smoke to the tobacco control policymaking process. He is author of more than 350 papers and several books, including Primer of Biostatistics, The Cigarette Papers, Tobacco War, and Bad Acts.
Marsha Gold, ScD, is a senior fellow emeritus at Mathematica Policy Research and an independent consultant in Washington, DC. She is a nationally known expert on health care delivery and financing. Gold publishes widely in peer-reviewed journals, sits on a number of expert and technical panels, and serves as an expert resource for policymakers, other researchers, and the media. She is on the editorial board of national journals, including Health Affairs and Health Services Research, and she has served on the board of directors of AcademyHealth. She also was appointed in 2015 as vice chair of the Medicaid and CHIP Payment and Access Commission. She has a ScD degree in health services/evaluation research from the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health.
Rachel Mosher Henke, PhD, is a senior director of evaluation and economic research at Truven Health Analytics. Her current work is understanding how accountable care organizations learn and implement new processes to improve care delivery. Previous work includes examining hospital response to market pressures and implementation of the medical home model at community health centers. She is an investigator affiliate of the Institute for Health and Productivity Studies, a joint research group with Truven Health and Johns Hopkins University. Henke has a PhD in health policy from Harvard University and received her BA in biology from Haverford College.
John P.A. Ioannidis, MD, DSc, holds the C.F. Rehnborg Chair in Disease Prevention at Stanford University; is professor of medicine and of health research and policy, and director of the Stanford Prevention Research Center at the School of Medicine; and professor of statistics (by courtesy) at the School of Humanities and Sciences. He is one of the two directors of the Meta-Research Innovation Center and director of the PhD program in epidemiology and clinical research at Stanford University.
Jim Lee, MS, is a vice president at Altarum Institute and leads the Systems Research and Initiatives Group. His research is in the areas of health economics and health technology assessments, and recent projects and publications are related to cancer care cost trends, cost-effectiveness of companion diagnostics to target oncology therapy, alternative strategies for preventing cervical cancer, and the cost-effectiveness of nutrition interventions in patients with advanced disease. He earned his undergraduate and graduate degrees in operations research at Northwestern University and the University of Michigan, respectively.
Joanne Lynn, MD, MA, MS, is director of Altarum Institute’s Center for Elder Care and Advanced Illness, which aims to ensure that frail elders can live meaningfully and comfortably at sustainable costs. The MediCaring Community work includes implementing and measuring care plans, developing methods for counties and cities to monitor and manage frail elder care, and developing support for caregivers. Lynn has been a tenured professor at Dartmouth College and George Washington University; a staff member at the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services; the bureau chief for cancer and chronic disease for Washington, DC; a researcher at the RAND Corporation; and on IHI’s quality improvement faculty. She is a member of the Institute of Medicine, a Master of the American College of Physicians, a Fellow of the Hastings Institute.
Catherine McLaughlin, PhD, is a senior fellow at Mathematica Policy Research and professor emerita at the University of Michigan. McLaughlin has published widely on access to care, public and private coverage, and health care cost containment. Her current research includes evaluating two programs mandated by the Affordable Care Act: the Independence at Home demonstration, which is providing in-home primary care to frail elderly and disabled populations, and the Community-based Care Transitions Program, aimed at improving transitions of Medicare beneficiaries from inpatient hospitals to their homes. She was the project director of the global assessment of the HITECH Act. While at Michigan, McLaughlin directed the Economic Research Initiative on the Uninsured. She is an elected member of the National Academy of Medicine and the National Academy of Social Insurance. She holds a PhD in economics from the University of Wisconsin, Madison.
David Moher, PhD, is a senior scientist at Ottawa Hospital Research Institute.He is currently involved in developing a center of journalology (publication science).
Anne Montgomery, MS, is currently deputy director at Altarum Institute’s Center for Elder Care and Advanced Illness, where she oversees a portfolio of work primarily aimed at helping to establish policy frameworks for delivery of services spanning medical and long-term care. From 2007 to 2013, Montgomery served as senior policy advisor for the US Senate Special Committee on Aging, where she led development of several bills that were enacted as part of the Affordable Care Act. Montgomery has also worked as an analyst for the US Government Accountability Office, the House Ways and Means Health Subcommittee, and the Alliance for Health Reform in Washington, DC. As a London-based Atlantic Fellow in Public Policy in 2001-2002, she undertook comparative analysis of the role and influence of family caregivers in the development of long-term care policy in the United States and the United Kingdom.
Matthew Page, PhD, BBSc, is an NHMRC Early Career Fellow based at the University of Bristol, United Kingdom. He is also affiliated with Monash University, Australia, where he completed a PhD in epidemiology and biostatistics in 2015. His interests include methods to assess and prevent reporting biases and design biases in randomized trials, and the reporting quality of systematic reviews. He frequently collaborates on clinical epidemiology studies initiated by other researchers (eg, systematic reviews and randomized trials of health care interventions, primarily for musculoskeletal conditions), and this work often informs his agenda of developing methodology.
Patricia Ramsay, MPH, is the administrative director of the Center for Healthcare Organizational and Innovation Research (CHOIR) at the University of California, Berkeley School of Public Health. Ramsay received her undergraduate degree in international political economy and a master of public health degree in epidemiology and biostatistics from theUniversity of California, Berkeley. She has more than 20 years of experience in public health research at both the University of California, Berkeley School of Public Health and the University of California, San Francisco School of Medicine. Her foci have been study management, data quality, and data analysis in the areas of diabetes, cardiovascular disease, osteoporosis, autoimmune disorders, and other chronic diseases.
Kevin Reuter, MA, is currently an assurance associate at Ernst & Young, LLP. He formerly worked as a research analyst at Dobson DaVanzo & Associates, LLC. During his 3 years at the firm, Reuter worked on a range of quantitative and qualitative analyses to support both government and private-sector clients. Most notably, he supported the Medicare hospital disproportionate share (DSH) program, including conducting quantitative analyses to determine the financial impact of DSH dollars using different proxies for defining uncompensated care. Reuter also assisted several organizations in developing actuarially certified financial models that they submitted to the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Innovation in applications for Round 2 Health Care Innovation awards. Reuter has a master’s degree in accounting from American University.
Hector P. Rodriguez, PhD, MPH, is professor of health policy and management, codirector of the Center for Healthcare Organizational and Innovation Research (CHOIR), and chair of the faculty group in health policy at the University of California, Berkeley. He is an expert in organizational analysis and performance measurement in health care. His research focuses on clarifying the organizational influences on patients’ experiences, clinical outcomes, and patient-reported outcomes of care in diverse primary care settings. Prior to his academic career, he was a management consultant for The Permanente Medical Group, where he worked with leaders and clinicians to implement primary care practice redesigns and evaluate their impact on patient care. He is the 2011 recipient of the Association of University Programs in Health Administration John D. Thompson Prize for Young Investigators.
Stephen M. Shortell, PhD, MPH, MBA, is the Blue Cross of California Distinguished Professor of Health Policy and Management and codirector of the Center for Healthcare Organizational and Innovation Research (CHOIR) at the University of California, Berkeley. He is also professor of organization behavior at the Haas School of Business at Berkeley. Shortell is a behavioral scientist who has spent most of his career examining the factors influencing organizational innovation and performance in the health sector. He is an elected member of the Academy of Medicine, past editor of the journal Health Services Research, and a past president of AcademyHealth. He is the recipient of the distinguished Baxter Allegiance/Graham Prize for contributions to health services research, the Distinguished Investigator Award from AcademyHealth, the Distinguished Research Scholar Award from the Division of Healthcare Management of the Academy of Management, and the AHA/HRET Trust Leadership Award.
Louis W. Sullivan, MD, is chairman of the board of the National Health Museum in Atlanta, Georgia, and is chairman of the Washington, DC-based Sullivan Alliance to Transform America’s Health Professions. He served as chair of the President’s Commission on Historically Black Colleges and Universities from 2002 to 2009 and was cochair of the President’s Commission on HIV and AIDS from 2001 to 2006. As secretary of the US Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) from 1989 to 1993, he released Healthy People 2000 (a blueprint for health promotion/disease prevention), waged a vigorous campaign against tobacco use, urged increased seat belt use in vehicles, and improved FDA food labels. In 1975 Sullivan was the founding dean and president of Morehouse School of Medicine, serving for more than two decades. He is now president emeritus. Sullivan graduated magna cum laude from Morehouse College and earned his medical degree, cum laude, from Boston University School of Medicine. His postgraduate training included internship and residency in internal medicine at New York Hospital—Cornell Medical Center (1958-60), a clinical fellowship in pathology at Massachusetts General Hospital (1960-61), and a research fellowship in hematology at the Thorndike Memorial Laboratory of Harvard Medical School, Boston City Hospital (1961-63). He is certified in internal medicine and hematology.
Volume 94, Issue 3 (pages 688–694) Published in 2016