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March 2007 (Volume 85)
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Malcolm Battersby is director of the Flinders Human Behaviour and Health Research Unit at Flinders University. His psychiatric, clinical, and academic careers were strongly influenced by postgraduate training in the use of behavioral approaches for treating anxiety disorders and related conditions with Professor Isaac Marks at the Institute of Psychiatry, London. Battersby established an anxiety disorder clinic and a problem gambling service at Flinders Medical Centre, Adelaide, as well as the Master in Mental Health Sciences course at Flinders University to provide training in cognitive and behavioral therapy to non-psychologists. His PhD investigated the contribution of anxiety to morbidity in people with chronic airways disease. These interests and the SA HealthPlus coordinated care trial led to the development of cognitive and behavioral approaches for self-management of chronic conditions. Battersby spent a year, 2003–2004, as a Harkness Research Fellow based at the MacColl Institute (Ed Wagner and Michael Von Korff were his mentors) in Seattle. He is a chief investigator of the Centre of Clinical Research Excellence in Aboriginal Health, and he led the team that prepared the Self-Management Action Plan for the Australian National Chronic Disease Strategy.
Marije C. Bosch is a junior researcher at the Centre for Quality of Care Research at the Radboud University Nijmegen Medical Centre in the Netherlands. She holds an MSc and is pursuing a PhD on organizational determinants of effective change in health care for patients with chronic diseases, wherein selected theories are applied to various settings in both primary and secondary care.
Deborah J. Cohen is an assistant professor and a member of the research division in the Department of Family Medicine at the Robert Wood Johnson Medical School. Cohen is interested in primary care practice improvement and change, and has been involved in several large grants designed to evaluate interventions aimed at making quality improvements in this setting. She is particularly interested in the role physician-patient communication plays in health care with regard to the delivery of services that can prevent and control cancer and cardiovascular disease. Cohen has over a decade of experience doing qualitative research, with expertise in observation, interviewing, and the analysis of conversation or interaction. She holds a PhD from Rutgers University.
Benjamin F. Crabtree, a medical anthropologist, is professor and director of research at the Department of Family Medicine, UMDNJ-Robert Wood Johnson Medical School. He is associate editor for Annals of Family Medicine. Crabtree has been a full-time primary care/health services researcher in family medicine for the past twenty years and has contributed to numerous publications on both qualitative and quantitative methods, covering topics ranging from time series analysis and log-linear models to in-depth interviews, case study research, and qualitative analysis strategies. He is currently funded by grants from the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute; the National Cancer Institute; the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases; and the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. Crabtree holds a PhD from the University of Connecticut.
Ronald Donato is a health economist in the School of Commerce at the University of South Australia. He has published in a number of journals, including Journal of Orthopsychiatry; Journal of Health Services Research & Policy; and International Journal of Pharmacy Practice. Donato has consulted for government health agencies and conducted workshops under World Bank–funded programs. His current research interests center on the economics of health reform. Donato holds a master’s degree in economics.
Martin P. Eccles is the William Leech Professor of Primary Care Research and a professor of clinical effectiveness at the Institute of Health and Society at Newcastle University in the United Kingdom. He directs a program of research that aims to understand and promote effective clinical practice and organization of health care. He is particularly interested in the role of theory in understanding and changing health care professional and organizational behaviors. Eccles has an MD.
Adrian Esterman holds the position of foundation chair of biostatistics at the University of South Australia. He has won over six million dollars in competitive grants in the last three years, and has over one hundred publications. He is currently vice president of the Australasian Epidemiological Association. Esterman holds PhD and MSc degrees.
Peter A. Frith is the head of Southern Respiratory Services in Adelaide, where his main research and clinical interests seek to improve systems of care for people with chronic respiratory disorders using evidence-based best practice. He leads the Australian Lung Foundation’s COPD Program developing disease management and pulmonary rehabilitation guides.
Richard P.T.M. Grol chairs the department of Quality of Care at the Radboud University Nijmegen and holds a personal chair at Maastricht University. He is director of the Centre for Quality of Care Research (WOK) and the Nijmegen Centre for Evidence Based Practice. Having studied law and psychology, Grol turned his attention to health care quality in the 1980s. He supervises a large number of research projects on the quality of patient care and has supervised over forty PhD students in the last ten years. He holds a PhD and is author of over 450 scientific and professional papers and is lead editor or author of over twenty books. He recently received honorary fellowships from the World Organization of Family Doctors (WONCA) and the Royal College of General Practitioners.
Helen Ann Halpin is professor of health policy at the University of California, Berkeley School of Public Health, where she has been on the faculty for eighteen years. She is also the director of the Center for Health and Public Policy Studies at UC Berkeley and the vice chair of the California Health Benefits Review Program. Halpin teaches undergraduate, master, and doctoral-level courses in health policy and politics. Her research concerns the integration of prevention into the U.S. health care system and universal coverage. She received her master of science in health policy and management from the Harvard School of Public Health, where she was on the faculty for four years, and her PhD in social welfare policy from the Heller School at Brandeis University.
Peter Harvey is a senior lecturer at the University of Adelaide School of Population Health and Clinical Practice and the manager of the Centre of Clinical Research Excellence in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health in South Australia. His PhD is in public health from the University of Western Australia School of Medicine. Harvey also holds a degree in education and a diploma in teaching. For the past ten years he has worked in health systems research, chronic condition management and self-management research, and population health programs, where he managed South Australia’s rural component of the national coordinated care trials and the Sharing Health Care SA chronic disease self-management project.
Marlies E.J.L. Hulscher is a senior researcher at the Centre for Quality of Care Research, Radboud University Nijmegen Medical Centre in the Netherlands. She directs a program of research that aims to understand complexity in improving hospital and integrated care. Hulscher’s research concentrates on preventative care with a specific focus on infectious diseases; studies are performed to develop potentially effective strategies and to assess their effectiveness. She is particularly interested in understanding why some implementations of change interventions successfully bring about improvement while others fail to change practice. Process evaluation and theories can provide insight into these determinants of success or failure. Hulscher holds a PhD.
Dorothy Y. Hung is a research scientist on faculty in the Department of Sociomedical Sciences at Columbia University Mailman School of Public Health. She received a PhD in health services and policy analysis and an MA in political science from the University of California at Berkeley. She also holds an MPH from the University of Minnesota and a BA from Stanford University. Hung’s current work examines organizational and financial mechanisms to improve preventive care delivery for multiple health risk behaviors. Her research interests include primary care practice redesign, participation in decision making for quality improvement, and pay-for-performance issues in health care.
Elizabeth Kalucy is director and associate professor of the Primary Health Care Research and Information Service. She has worked in primary care research since 1988 in the South Australian Community Health Research Unit and the Department of General Practice at Flinders University. Kalucy holds an MSc and a diploma in education.
David A. Kindig is emeritus professor of population health sciences and emeritus vice chancellor for health sciences at the University of Wisconsin–Madison, School of Medicine and Public Health. He also serves as senior advisor to the Wisconsin Population Health Institute and is co-director of the Robert Wood Johnson Health and Society Scholars program at UW–Madison. He received MD and PhD degrees from the University of Chicago School of Medicine in 1968 and completed residency training in social pediatrics at Montefiore Hospital in 1971. Kindig was the first medical director of the National Health Services Corps (1971–73), director of Montefiore Hospital and Medical Center (1976–80), and vice chancellor for health sciences at the University of Wisconsin–Madison (1980–85). He served as senior advisor to Secretary Donna Shalala (1993–95), was elected to the Institute of Medicine/National Academy of Sciences (1996), and served as president of the Association for Health Services Research (1997–98). Following a sabbatical in York, England, and Vancouver, British Columbia, Kindig published Purchasing Population Health: Paying for Results in 1997.
Peter McDonald is professor emeritus at Flinders University, having retired in 2003 after an academic career associated with international infectious diseases, control of HIV, and health reform. He remains active in these areas in association with Australian government advisory groups, health reform, and HIV control internationally. He was the inaugural head of infectious diseases at Flinders University (1975) and moved into health reform and development of the Flinders Institute for Health Research in his latter career.
Christopher McGowan is the executive director of population and primary health care for the Southern Adelaide Health Service in South Australia. McGowan’s background includes serving as director of primary health care in the South Australian government and several leadership roles in leading major primary care reforms. He holds a bachelor’s degree in business and a master’s degree in social research.
P. David Mills is senior lecturer for the Department of General Practice at the University of Adelaide. Mills has a PhD, has been a general practitioner in private practice for twenty years, and is a postgraduate and undergraduate supervisor. His major interests lie in diabetes care, diabetes management, ambulatory care, and service delivery interventions for diabetes care in rural and Aboriginal communities. Mills’s ongoing research also relates to each of these areas.
Adam Oliver is RCUK Academic Fellow in Health Economics and Policy at the London School of Economics and deputy director of LSE Health and Social Care. He is a former Japanese Ministry of Education Research Scholar at Keio University in Tokyo and a former Commonwealth Fund Harkness Fellow at Columbia University. Oliver cofounded the Health Equity Network, the Preference Elicitation Group, the New York Health Policy Group, the UK-Japan-USA Health Policy Network, and the European Health Policy Group, and is founding coeditor of the journal Health Economics, Policy and Law. He has published widely in the areas of economic evaluation, risk and uncertainty, health equity, and the economics and policy of health care reform. Oliver holds a PhD.
Rodney Pearce has been a general practitioner for twenty years in the eastern suburbs of Adelaide. He established the Adelaide Central and Eastern Division of General Practice in 1995 and is presently the vice chairman. Pearce was the advisor to the SZ government on GP issues relating to HealthPlus during the establishment of the trial. Later, he became the president of the Australian Medical Association (South Australia) (AMA[SA]) (1998–2000) and is currently national chairman of the AMA Council of General Practice. Pearce continues to work in supporting general practice and patients with chronic illness, with special interest in aged care, immunization, and patient advocacy.
R.G. Pols is senior lecturer and deputy director for Flinders Human Behaviour and Health Research Unit at Flinders University of South Australia and assistant director of the Pain Management Unit for Flinders Medical Centre. He is a consultant psychiatrist who specializes in chronic illness, particularly in chronic pain, somatization, and drug and alcohol dependence. As a public health physician he set the standard for low-risk drinking in Australia in 1987 and established the National Centre for Education and Training on Addiction at Flinders University in 1990. Pols also cowrote Is There a Safe Level of Alcohol Consumption? for the National Health and Medical Research Council in 1987.
Thomas G. Rundall is the Henry J. Kaiser Professor of Organized Health Systems at the University of California, Berkeley. Rundall has published extensively across a broad array of topics in health care organization, policy, and management, including hospital restructuring, integrated delivery systems, health information technology, the adoption and use of chronic disease care processes, and evidence-based health services management. His most recent book (coauthored) is Implementing an Electronic Medical Record System: Successes, Failures, Lessons. Rundall’s current areas of research include studying the effects of health information technology on patient care, the factors affecting physician work satisfaction in the United States and other countries, and the use of evidence-based management in health services organizations. Rundall holds a PhD.
Alfred F. Tallia is associate professor and acting chairman of the Department of Family Medicine of the Robert Wood Johnson Medical School. He received his BS in biological sciences from Fordham University and his MD from the Robert Wood Johnson Medical School. Tallia completed his residency and fellowship in family medicine at Thomas Jefferson University in Philadelphia and received his MPH in health care organization and administration from Rutgers University. Tallia’s practice-based research focuses on the organization and quality of primary care in the health care system. He is a member of the Cancer Institute of New Jersey, the National Board of Medical Examiners, and the American Academy of Family Physicians’ Center for Research in Family Medicine and Primary Care.
George Tsourtos is currently a lecturer in the Department of Public Health at Flinders University of South Australia. He was first employed to perform research in the field of psychiatry at the University of Adelaide and then continued work in the Department of General Practice at Flinders University, which included investigating the effectiveness of coordinated care.
Michel Wensing is associate professor at the Centre for Quality of Care Research, Radboud University Nijmegen Medical Centre in the Netherlands. Wensing holds a PhD. Having initially trained in sociology, he has performed a large body of research on the improvement of primary medical care. Major research themes have been continuing education of health professionals, patient involvement in health care, and organizational development of primary care. He is the author of more than one hundred scientific and professional publications, has supervised eleven PhD theses, and coedited a comprehensive book on implementation of improvement in patient care.
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Volume 85, Issue 1 (pages 163–169) DOI: 10.1111/j.1468-0009.2007.00480.x Published in 2007