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Marcel Bilger, PhD, is an assistant professor in the Signature Program in Health Services and Systems Research at Duke-NUS Medical School in Singapore. He was previously a consultant for the Development Research Group at the World Bank and a research fellow at the Harris School of Public Policy at the University of Chicago. His main domains of research are health equity and financing, behavioural economics, and choice modeling. His research agenda consists of determining how effective and cost-effective health care is, what the demand for it is, how it is financed, and how equitable its utilization is. He holds a PhD in econometrics and statistics from the University of Geneva with a specialization in health economics and policy.
Deanna Alexis Carere, ScD, CGC, is a postdoctoral fellow in genetic epidemiology in the Department of Pathology and Molecular Medicine at McMaster University in Hamilton, Ontario. She is also a certified genetic counselor, specializing in cardiovascular disease genetics and next-generation sequencing technologies for the diagnoses of rare diseases. She received her ScD in epidemiology from the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, where her doctoral research focused on evidence for, and translation of, predictive genetic testing using common variants. Her current research uses Mendelian randomization methods to evaluate causal biomarkers of Alzheimer’s disease.
Gareth Furber, PhD, is a registered psychologist and postdoctoral research fellow in the Health Economics and Social Policy Group at the University of South Australia. His primary research involves mental health service design and the evaluation of interventions delivered in clinical practice. Outside of this he is interested in networking and learning for mental health professionals, as well as the intersection of psychology and design/marketing.
Sarah Gollust, PhD, is an associate professor in the Division of Health Policy and Management at the University of Minnesota School of Public Health. She is also an associate director of the Interdisciplinary Research Leaders, a Robert Wood Johnson Foundation program. Gollust is a social scientist studying the intersections of communication, politics, and health policy. In her past research she has examined the roles of news media and public opinion in significant health policy issues, including obesity, health disparities, the Affordable Care Act, and cancer screening. She has received grants from the American Cancer Society, the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, and the National Institutes of Health to support her work.
Wan Chen K. Graham, SM, MA, is a PhD candidate at the Duke-NUS Medical School in Singapore. She holds a post-professional MA in occupational therapy from New York University and an SM in health policy and management from Harvard University. Graham’s research interests include health and long-term care financing, service delivery models, and care outcomes. She is currently studying individual-level factors affecting long-term care insurance take up.
Stacy W. Gray, MD, AM, is an associate professor at the City of Hope Cancer Center and the Beckman Research Institute. Through her research, she studies issues at the intersection of oncology, genomics, and health communication. Her goal is to gain a better understanding of the myriad factors that drive the use of new genomic technologies and to design targeted interventions to improve the delivery of personalized cancer care. Gray completed medical school, a master’s degree program in public policy, and her clinical training at the University of Chicago. She then went on to postdoctoral research fellowships in cancer communication at the University of Pennsylvania and in cancer outcomes at the Massachusetts General Hospital. Prior to her position at City of Hope, she was a faculty member at the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute and Harvard Medical School.
Robert C. Green, MD, MPH, is a medical geneticist and physicianscientist who directs the G2P Research Program in translational genomics and health outcomes in the Division of Genetics at Brigham and Women’s Hospital, the Broad Institute, and Harvard Medical School. Green sees patients and conducts empirical research around the medical, behavioral, and economic outcomes associated with the implementation of genomic medicine. Green led the first experimental trials disclosing common complex disease risk (REVEAL Study) and one of the first prospective studies of direct-to-consumer genetic testing services (PGen Study). He currently leads and co-leads the first randomized trials to explore the implementation of medical sequencing in adults (MedSeq Project) and newborns (BabySeq Project), respectively. Recent scientific contributions include publishing the first randomized trials to assess the impact of common complex genetic risk markers, empirically measuring the outcomes of direct-to-consumer genetic testing, designing a variant classification pipeline and single-page summary for reporting clinically relevant results of whole genome sequencing to physicians, and the first demonstration of aggregate penetrance of genomic variants in a prospective population study.
Radhika Gupta is a student at the University of Pennsylvania in the Life Sciences and Management Program, studying finance, business analytics, health care management (Wharton) and biology (College of Arts and Sciences). She is interested in the translation of experimental biomedical technologies from the lab bench to the bedside. She is committed to improving the state of human health by understanding both the biological basis of disease and the economics of medical innovation.
Sophie Guy, PhD, is a research associate in the Health Economics and Social Policy Group at the University of South Australia. She has a PhD in psychology and her main research interests are mental health and well-being and the social determinants of health.
John P.A. Ioannidis, MD, DSc, holds the C.F. Rehnborg Chair in Disease Prevention at Stanford University; is professor of medicine, health research and policy, and (by courtesy) biomedical data science at the School of Medicine; and is (by courtesy) professor of statistics at the School of Humanities and Sciences.He is codirector of theMeta-Research Innovation Center and director of the PhD program in epidemiology and clinical research at Stanford University.
Powel Kazanjian,MD, PhD, is a medical historian and professor in the Department of History at the University of Michigan. Kazanjian is also an infectious disease physician and professor and chief of infectious diseases at the University of Michigan Medical Center. He writes, teaches, and publishes scholarly work on the history of infectious epidemics.
Barbara A. Koenig, PhD, is based at the Institute for Health and Aging at the University of California, San Francisco. Koenig pioneered the use of empirical methods in the study of ethical questions in science, medicine, and health. She directs an NIH Center of Excellence in ELSI Research that focuses on translational genomics, and she leads several NIH-funded studies of novel genomic technologies, including return of results in genomic biobanks, newborn screening in an era of whole genome analysis, and risk-targeted breast cancer screening. Previously she was the founding executive director of the Center for Biomedical Ethics at Stanford University and she created and led the Biomedical Ethics Research Program at the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota. She developed one of the first studies of direct-to-consumer genomic testing.
Lisa Soleymani Lehmann, MD, PhD, MSc, is executive director of the Veterans Administration National Center for Ethics in Health Care. She is also associate professor of medicine at Harvard Medical School and associate professor of health policy and management at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health.
Amy L.McGuire, JD, PhD, is the Leon Jaworski Professor of Biomedical Ethics and director of the Center for Medical Ethics and Health Policy at Baylor College of Medicine.Her research explores the legal and ethical issues in genomics with a particular focus on genomic research ethics and the ethical and policy issues related to the clinical integration of genomics. She received her BA from the University of Pennsylvania, summa cum laude, her JD from the University of Houston Law Center, summa cum laude, and her PhD, with distinction, from the Institute for Medical Humanities at the University of Texas Medical Branch.
Huseyin Naci, PhD, MHS, is an assistant professor of health policy at the London School of Economics and Political Science. His research focuses on biopharmaceutical policy and regulation in the United States and European Union. He is interested in evaluating the evidence base underpinning the market authorization of new drugs. He was previously a fellow in pharmaceutical policy at Harvard Medical School.
J. Scott Roberts, PhD, is associate professor in the department of health behavior and health education at the University of Michigan School of Public Health. A clinical psychologist by training, he directs the Genomics, Health, and Society program within the University of Michigan Center for Bioethics and Social Sciences in Medicine, and he codirects a dual master’s degree program in genetic counseling and public health. Roberts has played a leadership role in numerous NIH-funded research projects, including the Risk Evaluation and Education for Alzheimer’s Disease (REVEAL) study, the Impact of Personal Genomics (PGen) study, and the Michigan Oncology Sequencing Center (MI-ONCOSEQ), which is part ofNIH’s Clinical Sequencing Exploratory Research (CSER) consortium.
Leonie Segal is the foundation chair in health economics and social policy at the University of South Australia. She has honour’s and master’s degrees in economics and a PhD in health economics. Her research is focused on disrupting intergenerational disadvantage—exploring the mechanisms of transmissions within families, options for creating alternate trajectories, and policy translation. She uses linked data to quantify the consequences of child maltreatment and to establish how alternate patterns of involvement with the child protection system can ameliorate or exacerbate harmful consequences. Segal has published on the evolutionary underpinning of maternal child maltreatment, the efficiency of alternative approaches to addressing child maltreatment, needs-based workforce and services planning, and the efficiency of nutrition and other lifestyle interventions.
Richard Sharp, PhD, directs the Biomedical Ethics Program, the Center for Individualized Medicine Bioethics Program, and the Clinical and Translational Research Ethics Program at the Mayo Clinic. Sharp examines ethical tensions in medicine and biomedical research. He has studied a variety of topics in biomedical ethics, including the integration of genetic technologies into patient care, best practices for clinical ethics consultation, financial conflicts of interest, and ethical dimensions of patient advocacy. His current research examines how patients and health care providers view new forms of personalized medicine and clinical interventions enabled by molecular diagnostics. Sharp frequently advises health care organizations on ethical issues and has served on advisory committees for the National Institutes of Health, the Institute of Medicine, and the US Environmental Protection Agency.
Kayte Spector-Bagdady, JD, MBioethics, is a research investigator in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology at the University of Michigan Medical School, where she also codirects the Program in Research Ethics in the Center for Bioethics and Social Sciences in Medicine (CBSSM). Her current research explores informed consent to emerging technologies with a focus on reproduction and genetics. Spector-Bagdady received her JD and MBioethics from the University of Pennsylvania Law School and School of Medicine, respectively, after graduating from Middlebury College. She completed a research fellowship in bioethics at CBSSM. She is a former drug and device attorney and associate director of the Presidential Commission for the Study of Bioethical Issues.
Asterie Twizeyemariya, PhD, is a research fellow in the School of Health Sciences,University of South Australia. She has a PhD in economics. Her main interests include economic evaluation methods, their application on health intervention programs, and the evidence base of resource allocation to the prevention and/or management of chronic diseases.
Na Wang is a statistical analyst at the Data Coordinating Center at the Boston University School of Public Health, where she provides data management and statistical analysis on various observational studies and clinical trials. She holds a master’s degree in mathematics and biostatistics.
Olivier J. Wouters, MSc, is a PhD candidate in health economics at the London School of Economics (LSE) and a researcher at LSE Health. His interests include the pricing and reimbursement of medicines, the availability and affordability of medicines, and the quality of pharmacologic care. He has previously consulted for the World Bank, the World Health Organization, and the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development. He holds an MSc from LSE and a BSc from Georgetown University’s School of Foreign Service.