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March 2007 (Volume 85)
Quarterly Article
Dorothy Y. Hung
Thomas G. Rundall
Alfred F. Tallia
Deborah J. Cohen
Helen Ann Halpin
Benjamin F. Crabtree
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This study examines the Chronic Care Model (CCM) as a framework for preventing health risk behaviors such as tobacco use, risky drinking, unhealthy dietary patterns, and physical inactivity. Data were obtained from primary care practices participating in a national health promotion initiative sponsored by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. Practices owned by a hospital health system and exhibiting a culture of quality improvement were more likely to offer recommended services such as health risk assessment, behavioral counseling, and referral to community-based programs. Practices that had a multispecialty physician staff and staff dieticians, decision support in the form of point-of-care reminders and clinical staff meetings, and clinical information systems such as electronic medical records were also more likely to offer recommended services. Adaptation of the CCM for preventive purposes may offer a useful framework for addressing important health risk behaviors.
Author(s): Dorothy Y. Hung; Thomas G. Rundall; Alfred F. Tallia; Deborah J. Cohen; Helen Ann Halpin; Benjamin F. Crabtree
Keywords: Chronic Care Model; health promotion; disease prevention; health risk behaviors; primary care practice
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Volume 85, Issue 1 (pages 69–91) DOI: 10.1111/j.1468-0009.2007.00477.x Published in 2007