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December 2016 (Volume 94)
Quarterly Article
Robert A. Nathenson
Brendan Saloner
Michael R. Richards
Karin V. Rhodes
Mar 3, 2025
Feb 28, 2025
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Policy Points:
Context: Recent demographic trends show Latino immigrants moving to “emerging destinations” outside traditional Latino enclaves. Immigrants in emerging destinations with limited English proficiency (LEP) may experience greater challenges finding health care services oriented to their linguistic needs than those in traditional enclaves, especially if the supply of language resources in these areas has not kept pace with new demand.
Methods: This study uses an experimental audit design to directly compare the ability of uninsured Spanish-speaking LEP adults to access interpreter services and to obtain new patient primary care appointments at federally qualified health centers (FQHCs) across traditional and emerging destinations. We additionally compare the appointment rates of English-proficient uninsured and English-proficient Medicaid patients across these destinations that contacted the same FQHCs. English-proficient patients serve as an access benchmark that is independent of differences in Spanish language services.
Findings: Results indicate that LEP Spanish-speaking patients within emerging destinations are 40 percentage points less likely to receive an appointment than those in traditional destinations. English-proficient groups, by contrast, experience similar levels of access across destinations. Disparities in safety net provider access by destination status are consistent with differences in the availability of bilingual services. Ninety-two percent of FQHCs in traditional destinations offered appointments with either Spanish-speaking clinicians or translation services with non-clinical bilingual staff, while only 54% did so in emerging destinations. LEP patients denied care in emerging destinations must also travel greater distances than in traditional destinations to reach the next available safety net provider.
Conclusions: Our findings highlight that current language resources in emerging destinations may be inadequate for keeping up with the transforming needs of the patient population. As the Latino immigrant population continues to expand and diffuse, better accommodation within the health care safety net is likely to increase in importance.
Author(s): Robert A. Nathenson, Brendan Saloner, Michael R. Richards, and Karin V. Rhodes
Keywords: access to health care, Latino, immigration, limited English proficiency.
Read on Wiley Online Library
Volume 94, Issue 4 (pages 768–799) DOI: 10.1111/1468-0009.12231 Published in 2016