The Fund supports networks of state health policy decision makers to help identify, inspire, and inform policy leaders.
The Milbank Memorial Fund supports two state leadership programs for legislative and executive branch state government officials committed to improving population health.
The Fund identifies and shares policy ideas and analysis to advance state health leadership, strong primary care, and sustainable health care costs.
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The Milbank Memorial Fund is is a foundation that works to improve population health and health equity.
June 2004 (Volume 82)
Quarterly Article
Diane L. Gross
Helena Temkin-Greener
Stephen Kunitz
Dana B. Mukamel
March 2025
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The early success of the demonstration Program of All-Inclusive Care for the Elderly (PACE) led to its designation as a permanent Medicare program in 1997. But the growth in the number of programs and enrollment has lagged and does not meet expectations. This article offers insights into the mechanisms influencing the expansion of PACE, from information obtained in interviews and surveys of administrators, medical directors, and financial officers in 27 PACE programs. Sixteen barriers to expansion were found, including competition, PACE model characteristics, poor understanding of the program among referral sources, and a lack of financing for expansion. This experience offers important lessons for providing integrated health care to the frail elderly.
Author(s): Diane L. Gross; Helena Temkin-Greener; Stephen Kunitz; Dana B. Mukamel
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Volume 82, Issue 2 (pages 257–282) DOI: 10.1111/j.0887-378X.2004.00310.x Published in 2004