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December 1992 (Volume 70)
Quarterly Article
Benjamin S. Wilfond
Norman Fost
December 2024
Dec 19, 2024
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Routine prenatal testing for cystic fibrosis (CF) should be halted until the detection rate reaches 95 percent. Pilot studies are needed in order to evaluate the feasibility of meeting education, consent, and counseling requirements in order to facilitate informed reproductive decisions by clients and to minimize the potential for confusion, stigmatization, and discrimination. Primary care physicians may not be trained adequately to provide appropriate information, and prenatal visits may not be an ideal setting. The public’s interest in carrier testing, prenatal testing, and pregnancy termination is uncertain because CF patients have an increasing median survival, variable disability, and normal intelligence. Even with a goal that limits testing for the purpose of informed reproductive decision making, the considerable cost of screening per case prevented must be considered before it becomes public policy. Until these issues have been clarified, the duty of primary care physicians is to inform patients of the test’s availability and to refer interested patients to qualified genetic counselors rather than to provide the test themselves.
Author(s): Benjamin S. Wilfond; Norman Fost
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Volume 70, Issue 4 (pages 629–659) Published in 1992