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December 2014 (Volume 92)
Quarterly Article
Bita A. Kash
Yichen Zhang
Kayla M. Cline
Terri Menser
Thomas R. Miller
Feb 14, 2025
Jan 22, 2025
Jan 14, 2025
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Policy Points:
Context: The evolving concept of more rigorously coordinated and integrated perioperative management, often referred to as the perioperative surgical home (PSH), parallels the well-known concept of a patient-centered medical home (PCMH), as they share a vision of improved clinical outcomes and reductions in cost of care through patient engagement and care coordination. Elements of the PSH and similar surgical care coordination models have been studied in the United States and other countries.
Methods: This comprehensive review of peer-reviewed literature investigates the history and evolution of PSH and PSH-like models and summarizes the results of studies of PSH elements in the United States and in other countries. We reviewed more than 250 potentially relevant studies. At the conclusion of the selection process, our search had yielded a total of 152 peer-reviewed articles published between 1980 and 2013.
Findings: The literature reports consistent and significant positive findings related to PSH initiatives. Both US and non-US studies stress the role of anesthesiologists in perioperative patient management. The PSH may have the greatest impact on preparing patients for surgery and ensuring their safe and effective transition to home or other postoperative rehabilitation. There appear to be some subtle differences between US and non-US research on the PSH. The literature in non-US settings seems to focus strictly on the comparison of outcomes from changing policies or practices, whereas US research seems to be more focused on the discovery of innovative practice models and other less direct changes, for example, information technology, that may be contributing to the evolution toward the PSH model.
Conclusions: The PSH model may have significant implications for policymakers, payers, administrators, clinicians, and patients. The potential for policy-relevant cost savings and quality improvement is apparent across the perioperative continuum of care, especially for integrated care organizations, bundled payment, and value-based purchasing.
Author(s): Bita A. Kash, Yichen Zhang, Kayla M. Cline, Terri Menser, and Thomas R. Miller
Keywords: perioperative management, enhanced recovery after surgery, early patient engagement, care coordination
Read on Wiley Online Library
Volume 92, Issue 4 (pages 796–821) DOI: 10.1111/1468-0009.12093 Published in 2014