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Emma Louise Aveling is a research associate in the Department of Health Sciences at the University of Leicester Medical School in the UK. Aveling is a graduate of the University of Cambridge, and her research interests center on the relationship between health policy and practice. She has a special interest in collaborative and partnership approaches to health intervention both in developed country contexts and in the field of international development. Aveling holds a BSc, an MPhil, and a PhD.
John Z. Ayanian is professor of medicine and health care policy at Harvard Medical School and professor of health policy and management at the Harvard School of Public Health. He serves as director of the Harvard Catalyst Health Disparities Research Program, director of the Harvard Medical School Fellowship in General Medicine and Primary Care, and practicing primary care physician at Brigham and Women’s Hospital, where he cares for patients and teaches medical residents. His research focuses on access to care, quality of care, and disparities in health care related to race, ethnicity, gender, socioeconomic factors, and insurance coverage. Ayanian holds an MD and an MPP.
Charles L. Bosk is a professor of sociology in the School of Arts and Sciences at the University of Pennsylvania. He received his PhD from the University of Chicago. Bosk’s research is supported by an Investigator Award in Health Policy Research from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. His most recent book is What Would You Do? Juggling Bioethics and Ethnography (University of Chicago Press 2008).
Natalie Coyle completed her bachelor of science degree, with first-class honors, at McGill University. Coyle previously worked in the community services and long-term care sector. She is currently completing her master of science degree at McGill University, focusing on primary health care reform. Her research interests include primary health care, health care reform, the health of older adults, and causal inference.
Steven Cummins is senior lecturer and NIHR Senior Fellow in the School of Geography at Queen Mary, University of London, where he directs the Healthy Environments Research Programme. He has a BSc in human and physical geography, an MSc in epidemiology, and a PhD in public health social science. His research interests include the social and environmental determinants of health, the evaluation of complex social interventions for health improvement, and expanding the role of geography in tackling public health problems.
Mary Dixon-Woods is professor of medical sociology in the Department of Health Sciences at the University of Leicester Medical School in the UK, where she leads the Social Science Research Group. Dixon-Woods is a graduate of the University of Oxford, and her interests lie in improving quality in health care and research. She has published over one hundred academic articles. She is an associate editor of BMJ Quality and Safety, co-editor of Chronic Illness, and member of the editorial boards for two other journals. She held a fellowship under the Economic and Social Research Council’s Public Services Programme (2008–2009) to study the regulation of doctors. She is a member of the Health Foundation Improvement Science Network. Dixon-Woods holds a BA, a DipStat, an MSc, and a DPhil.
Christine A. Goeschel is an assistant professor in the Department of Anesthesiology and Critical Care Medicine at the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine and director of strategic development and research initiatives for the Quality and Safety Research Group. She holds secondary appointments in the Schools of Nursing and Public Health, and received a doctorate in health system management from Tulane University. Experience as a nurse and health system executive inspired Goeschel to create the Michigan Keystone Center, which she led from its inception in 2003 until joining Hopkins in 2006. Her work has been published in the New England Journal of Medicine, JAMA, The Lancet, Health Affairs, Health Services Research, and BMJ, and her current research includes studies aimed at reducing infections in high-risk patient populations.
Brian Hutchison is Professor Emeritus in the Departments of Family Medicine and Clinical Epidemiology and Biostatistics at McMaster University, co-chair of the Canadian Working Group for Primary Healthcare Improvement, senior advisor to Health Quality Ontario, and scientific advisor for primary health care to the Canadian Health Services Research Foundation. He is past director (2002–2005) of the McMaster University Centre for Health Economics and Policy Analysis, and served as founding editor-in-chief of Healthcare Policy from 2004 to 2009. His areas of research and policy interest include organization, funding and delivery of primary health care, provider payment methods, and quality improvement. Hutchison holds an MD and an MSc.
Andy Jones is a reader in the School of Environmental Sciences at the University of East Anglia. He has a BSc in environmental sciences and a PhD in health geography. He has long-standing research interests in the relationship between the physical environment and human health and is currently involved in a range of research projects that focus on the role the environment may play in physical activity and dietary behaviors. He was lead author of the United Kingdom Government Foresight Programme’s “Tackling Obesities: Future Choices—Obesogenic Environment Scientific Evidence Review”, and he sat on the Programme Development Group that produced the National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence guidelines on the promotion and creation of environments to support increased levels of physical activity.
Selena Jorgensen is a third-year student at Harvard Medical School. She holds an undergraduate degree in sociology and anthropology from Lewis and Clark College in Portland, Oregon.
Jean-Frédéric Levesque is a specialist in community medicine and holder of a doctorate in public health from Université de Montréal. He is currently scientific director of the health care system analysis and evaluation directorate at the Institut national de santé publique du Québec. Levesque is a clinical associate professor at the department of family medicine of the Université de Montréal, researcher at the Centre de recherche du CHUM, and clinical scientist from the Fonds de la recherche en santé du Québec. His research activities pertain to the analyses of the impact of different organizational models of primary care and to the experience of care of population and management of chronic illness care. He recently acted as deputy commissioner for performance appraisal and analysis at the Commissaire à la santé et au bien-être du Québec.
Thomas G. McGuire is professor of health economics in the Department of Health Care Policy at Harvard Medical School, where he has worked since 2001. His major research areas are health care payment systems, health care disparities, and mental health policy. McGuire is a member of the Institute of Medicine and an editor of the Journal of Health Economics. He is part of a team of researchers at Harvard, led by Joseph Newhouse and supported by the National Institute on Aging, conducting research on the redesign of Medicare Part C.
Joseph P. Newhouse is the John D. MacArthur Professor of Health Policy and Management at Harvard University with faculty appointments at Harvard Medical School, Harvard School of Public Health, Harvard Kennedy School, and the Faculty of Arts and Sciences. He is also a faculty research associate of the National Bureau of Economic Research. He has been a commissioner of the Physician Payment Review Commission, the chair of the Prospective Payment Assessment Commission, and the vice-chair of the Medicare Payment Advisory Commission. He is a director of Aetna, Abt Associates, and the National Committee for Quality Assurance. He is an editor of the Journal of Health Economics and a member of the Institute of Medicine.
David Ogilvie is a clinical investigator scientist and honorary consultant in public health medicine at the Medical Research Council Epidemiology Unit in Cambridge. He qualified in medicine from the University of Cambridge (MB BChir 1993, MA 1995) and subsequently trained in general practice in the east of England (MRCGP 1998) and then in public health medicine and public health research in the west of Scotland (MPH 2000, FFPH 2006, PhD 2007). His research is focused on understanding the effects of efforts to influence the “wider” (environmental or societal) determinants of health. His methodological interests lie in the design of population-level intervention studies and in evidence synthesis, and he specializes in the relationships between transport, the environment, physical activity, and health.
Mark Petticrew is a professor in the Department of Social and Environmental Health Research at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine. His research has involved primary research on the health effects of housing, urban regeneration, transport, and employment interventions. He has also worked on systematic reviews of the effects on health and health inequalities of employment, housing, transport, and tobacco control policies. He is one of the conveners of the Campbell and Cochrane Equity Methods Group, and an editor of the Cochrane Public Health Review Group. Petticrew holds a PhD.
Peter J. Pronovost is a professor in the Departments of Anesthesiology and Critical Care Medicine (ACCM), Surgery, and Health Policy and Management at the Johns Hopkins University. He is director of adult critical care medicine and the Quality and Safety Research Group in ACCM, and a practicing anesthesiologist and critical care physician. His PhD is in clinical investigation. He developed a scientifically proven intervention to reduce central line–associated bloodstream infections and published these results in the New England Journal of Medicine and BMJ. This intervention is now being implemented across the United States and in several other countries. He has written more than 360 articles and chapters related to patient safety and the measurement and evaluation of safety efforts.
Bruce Siegel is president and CEO of the National Association of Public Hospitals and Health Systems. A physician trained in preventive medicine, he most recently was a professor at George Washington University where he conducted research on health care quality and disparities. Siegel has also served as a hospital executive and state health officer. He received his AB from Princeton University, his MD from Cornell University Medical College, and his MPH from the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health.
Anna D. Sinaiko is a postdoctoral research fellow in the Department of Health Policy and Management at the Harvard School of Public Health. She received her PhD in health policy from Harvard University in 2010 and her MPP from the Harvard Kennedy School in 2004. Her current research focuses on consumer decision making in health care settings.
Erin Strumpf is an assistant professor in the Department of Economics and the Department of Epidemiology, Biostatistics and Occupational Health at McGill University. Her research in health economics focuses on how the design and delivery of preventive and primary care services affects health care spending and health outcomes, particularly for vulnerable subpopulations. Strumpf received her PhD in health policy and economics from Harvard University and was a pre-doctoral fellow in health and aging with the National Bureau for Economic Research and the U.S. National Institute on Aging.
Ruth Thorlby is a senior fellow in health policy at the Nuffield Trust, a UK-based independent foundation that conducts research and policy analysis on health care in the UK and abroad. Her research focuses on health system reform in the UK, the organization of primary care services, patient and public involvement in health care, and international comparisons. In 2008–2009 she was awarded a Harkness Fellowship in Healthcare Policy and Practice, funded by the Commonwealth Fund and the UK Health Foundation, where she was based at the Department of Health Care Policy of Harvard Medical School. Thorlby holds a BA and an MSc.
Kathryn Wheeler worked as a research fellow on the national evaluation of the Healthy Towns Programme from February 2010 until January 2011. She is currently a senior research officer in the Sociology Department at the University of Essex, working with Miriam Glucksmann on the European Research Council–funded project “Consumption Work and Societal Divisions of Labour.” She completed her PhD in the same department that explored the organization of fair trade consumption and support within a small Fairtrade Town.
Martin White is professor of public health at the Institute of Health and Society at Newcastle University in Newcastle upon Tyne, UK. He is also director of Fuse, the Centre for Translational Research in Public Health, one of five UK Clinical Research Collaboration public health research centers of excellence, and a member of the national Public Health Research Consortium, funded by the Department of Health. He graduated in medicine (MB ChB) at Birmingham University, UK, in 1983, and earned his master’s degree (MSc, community medicine) from Newcastle University in 1989 and his doctorate (MD, public health) from Birmingham University in 2010. His research interests include understanding and tackling social inequalities in health, and the development and evaluation of public health interventions.
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Volume 89, Issue 2 (pages 333–338) DOI: 10.1111/j.1468-0009.2011.00630.x Published in 2011