The Fund supports networks of state health policy decision makers to help identify, inspire, and inform policy leaders.
The Milbank Memorial Fund supports two state leadership programs for legislative and executive branch state government officials committed to improving population health.
The Fund identifies and shares policy ideas and analysis to advance state health leadership, strong primary care, and sustainable health care costs.
Keep up with news and updates from the Milbank Memorial Fund. And read the latest blogs from our thought leaders, including Fund President Christopher F. Koller.
The Fund publishes The Milbank Quarterly, as well as reports, issues briefs, and case studies on topics important to health policy leaders.
The Milbank Memorial Fund is is a foundation that works to improve population health and health equity.
Alan B. Cohen,
In this issue of the Quarterly, readers will find an engaging mix of articles, beginning with two Perspectives and original scholarship on a range of policy topics. More
James René Jolin, Barak Richman, Ateev Mehrotra, Carmel Shachar,
This article explores a menu of possible incremental policy measures that could expand access of interstate telehealth to key patient populations. More
Vincent Guilamo-Ramos, Marco Thimm-Kaiser, Adam Benzekri, Ruth S. Shim, Francis K. Amankwah, Sara Rosenbaum,
In the context of the Ending Unequal Treatment findings, this article discusses the imperative of a representative health care workforce as a core element of any strategy for overcoming the persistence of health and health care inequities as well as options for future programmatic and policy action in the face of race-conscious admissions bans. More
Heidi L. Allen, Mandi Spishak-Thomas, Kristen Underhill, Chen Liu, Jamie R. Daw,
The cost of childbirth and postpartum health care results in significant and persistent financial hardship, particularly for families with lower income with commercial insurance. More
As states expand prerelease and transition services for incarcerated individuals under the Medicaid Reentry Section 1115 Demonstration Opportunity, this article sought to systematically inform Medicaid state and plan administrators regarding the population size and burden of disease data available on incarcerated populations in both jails and prisons in the United States. More
Nicole A. Stadnick, Carrie Geremia, Megan Wynecoop, Amanda I Mauri, Kera Swanson, Jonathan Purtle,
More than 200 states and local jurisdictions use earmarked taxes — revenue from sales, income, or property taxes — to fund behavioral health services. More
Hector P. Rodriguez, SARAH D. EPSTEIN, Amanda L. Brewster, TIMOTHY T. BROWN, STACY CHEN, Salma Bibi,
This article qualitatively assess physician groups’ barriers and facilitators of planning and implementing BCBSMA’s financial incentives to improve equity of ambulatory care quality by patient race and ethnicity. More
Federica Zavattaro, Viktor von Wyl, Felix Gille,
Public trust is critical to both system legitimacy and the successful implementation of data-driven health initiatives. Legislations are an essential instrument for building public trust, as they can have a dual effect on trust: a passive effect by reinforcing the public perception of an active regulatory system that upholds the rule of law and an active effect as a tool for policymakers to signal trust-building actions to be undertaken during the implementation phase. More
Iselin Dahlen Syversen, Kevin Schulman, Aaron S. Kesselheim, William B. Feldman,
The Medicare drug negotiation framework established under the Inflation Reduction Act is far more limited than other frameworks in seven health systems explored in this study. More
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