The Fund supports networks of state health policy decision makers to help identify, inspire, and inform policy leaders.
The Milbank Memorial Fund supports two state leadership programs for legislative and executive branch state government officials committed to improving population health.
The Fund identifies and shares policy ideas and analysis to advance state health leadership, strong primary care, and sustainable health care costs.
Keep up with news and updates from the Milbank Memorial Fund. And read the latest blogs from our thought leaders, including Fund President Christopher F. Koller.
The Fund publishes The Milbank Quarterly, as well as reports, issues briefs, and case studies on topics important to health policy leaders.
The Milbank Memorial Fund is is a foundation that works to improve population health and health equity.
Commentary and analysis from Milbank Memorial Fund President Christopher F. Koller and other staff.
February 2016
Dear Health Care Payers: We gathered 25 of you—insurance company staff, Medicaid officials, and Medicare staff—earlier this month to compare… More
January 2016
The hip-hop Broadway musical about Alexander Hamilton’s life may be the hottest ticket in town, but Hamilton’s well-known advocacy for a strong national government is not getting much love on the campaign trail or in political discourse. More
December 2015
At the end of 2015, it is worth taking a look at some of the progress that has been made this year advancing population health in this country. A… More
November 2015
Few policies intended to help people live longer are more effective than those targeting teen pregnancy rates. Yet even when those policies work, they… More
October 2015
When I regulated commercial health insurance in Rhode Island, I would point out that the politically conservative notion of a free market for health… More
September 2015
Bipartisanship in health policy is hard to find. Pick your topic—Medicaid expansion, Medicare reform, or health insurance exchanges—and voices are… More
August 2015
You would think a billion-dollar-a-year organization that pays its chief 20% of the market rate and turns that role over every two years—as is the… More
July 2015
“Secret Health-Law Huddle.” The headline made me shudder. It appeared in a national newspaper, describing a meeting hosted by the Milbank Memorial… More
June 2015
Randy Newman had it right 28 years ago and today—judging from recent events in Baltimore. Riots tore apart the city at the end of April in the wake… More
May 2015
State health policymakers face more work than they can handle now. Delivery system reform. Medicaid sustainability and expansion. Affordable Care Act… More